On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 11:21:51PM +0100, Jean-François Leroux wrote:
> Hi,
> There is something I'm not sure I understand, so maybe you could help
> me figure out. Here it goes: we have a Debian vserver running BIND9
> (recompiled). Everything works fine, except that the line
> query-source * ...
> breaks bind9 while query-source x.x.x.x works fine.
> Well, my understanding of this is that query-source * uses INADDR_ANY,

that would be what one would suspect, yes, but we
_know_ that the bind folks are not very good with
things like common and sense ...

> that would map to the first available ip on an host and does not

no, that would bind to _all_ ips on the host and
the assigned subset (one or more IPs) on the guest
and more important, that probably would work

> inside a vserver. 

> Am I wrong ?

maybe bind9 does something creative, use strace to
find out and let us know ...

> Could somebody point me towards the correct explanation (a link 
> for example) ?

I would also try to trick bind9, by simply using
query-source (which _is_ INADDR_ANY)


> Cheers

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