Has anyone made a LiveCD for Linux-VServer?

If not, any hints/tips/warnings/recommendations for an OS base?

I am looking for a way to demo a client/server application, and
Linux-VServer with the vunify functionality at first glance looks like
it could be ideal.

The CD itself would have the minimal OS and vserver-enabled kernel,
and vunifiy-ed filesystems of the server and clients (which wouldn't
differ by that much), and any changes during the run would be written
to ramdisk.

Based on a previous thread it sounded like Linux-VServer has its own
Copy-on-Write (CoW) functionality, removing the need for unionfs/aufs
for the virtual machines themselves (although I assume you'd still
want it enabled in a small ram disk for the rest of the CD).

Daniel Clark # http://dclark.us # http://opensysadmin.com
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