Chuck wrote:
On Thursday 12 July 2007 13:55, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

if i use vserver build with its rsync options it makes the /etc/vserver/guest directory for me just like any other build using vserver. are you using rsync by itself? maybe thats why. the vserver application automatically makes the /etc/vserver/guest areas for anything as far as i know.

Nope.  vserver <guest> build -m rsync ...

i noticed you mention /etc/vserver/guest/apps you use other files besides style and mark? i many times use mtab for certain things but i just copy a 'template' mtab file in. since most of my guests are not cookie-cutter i usually have to modify the settings in the /etc/vserver config area anyway so its no big deal to copy/modify capability files, mtab,add name to interfaces etc.

Yeah, apps/pkgmgmt/* is not created. I've done the copy and edit route as you said in your other post but it is such a candidate for scripting I figured it might have been. But then how often does one change the package management system they are using? Well beside me. 8-(

i have never gotten into different pkg mgt systems and have never used them to build a guest, only to update its own files internally. i suppose i am 'far behind the times', but i treat each guest as its own server and run the updates internally etc. (doesn't get me in trouble that way :) ).

Here is the problem.  vyum complains with
vcontext: execvp("yum"): No such file or directory

Which is only one of the missing files.

So I'll be looking in to building yet-another-script to do this or add it to the existing vserver script. I think it's bash/shell and not python.

Thanks for the thoughts,
The builds using rsync are going well but this has created a bit of a problem. Typically I build using yum as the method. This creates all the necessary files in /etc/vservers/<guest>/apps. Using rsync doesn't.

Is there a command/incantation to convert a vserver guest to another package-management system like yum, apt-get, etc?

I suspect the pieces to do this are in the vserver script but if the method is just undocumented it would be quicker.


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