--On Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:38 PM +0200 Dirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And also look here for TinyXMLs support for UTF-8:

We're using TinyXML just for writing, so it doesn't need recognition code. The converter may run on a platform other than that used to create the VSS DB, so the VSS locale may not be available. Hence my latest patch to force TinyXML to "trust" the specified locale,declare it in the output XML, and pass through all characters from the source physical files unmodified. It's left to the Perl XML parser to convert the encoding to Unicode internally. Currently the XML encoding is hardcoded to Windows-1252 and needs to be patched in the C++ source by users of other VSS locales. It might be desirable to pass this in as an argument to ssphys.
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