Keith, I think you might have the wrong mailing list.  This list is for
people who are converting from Microsoft Visual Source Safe to
subversion.  It sounds like you are having a problem with subversion
proper, not with vss2svn.



[] On Behalf Of Keith
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 3:48 PM
Subject: Automatic Committing a Folder to A Repository


I'm having some trouble setting up a Autocommit to my repository.


I downloaded an executable file called svnautocommit.exe and when I try
to run it with the path I get the following error message within a
command Prompt:

SVN:  This client is too old to work with the working copy C:\FOLDER.
You need to get a newer subversion client or to download this working


I got the version of subversion by doing the following SVN -Version

The version is 1.5.1


I read that upgrading the VisualSVN 2.3.1 comes with Subversion 1.6.3.
I did this and when I check the version of SVN it is still saying 1.5.1.
Am I missing something?  Is there an easier way to setup a Autocommit


We have a folder on a machine that we just want to commit to the
repository automatically every night.  Right now we use TortoiseSVN to
manually commit it.   


Thanks for the help with this.



Keith McGee
Developer and Support Analyst


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