On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Bartis, Robert M (Bob) wrote:

> I am first time user of vTCL and am very impressed. I put together a small
> application that uses a few menu buttons, radio/check buttons on the left a
> status bar on the bottom and a larger text area in the middle. I'd like to
> have the text area grow in size as the user re-sizes the window, but can not
> determine how to do this. 
> In the past, putting together applications manually, using the packer manger
> I would have used a combination of  -expand and -fill. In the vTCL
> application I used the place manager, hopefully that wasn't a mistake. 

I use the pack managar both manually and in vTcl. My _guess_ is that
things don't expand with the place manager. All the expand/fill stuff is
there in vTcl for pack; I use it all the time.


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