Published on Saturday, November 6, 2004 by the BBC

US Strikes Raze Falluja Hospital

A hospital has been razed to the ground in one of the heaviest US air raids
in the Iraqi city of Falluja.

Witnesses said only the facade remained of the small Nazzal Emergency
Hospital in the centre of the city. There are no reports on casualties.

The hospital was run by an Islamic charity
A nearby medical supplies storeroom and dozens of houses were damaged as US
forces continued preparing the ground for an expected major assault.

UN chief Kofi Annan has warned against an attack on the restive Sunni city.

It is the third time since the end of the US-led war that US and Iraqi
forces have tried to gain control of Falluja.

They say militants loyal to top al-Qaeda suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are
hiding there.

Zarqawi's supporters have been behind some of the worst attacks on coalition
and Iraqi forces as well as dozens of kidnappings. Some of the hostages -
foreigners and Iraqis - have been beheaded.


US troops using 155mm howitzers pounded a number of pre-planned targets in
Falluja on Saturday.

Along with air strikes - one of the heaviest in recent days - this is all
part of what appears to be a steadily increasing pressure on the insurgents,
says the BBC's Paul Wood, who is with US marines outside Falluja.

Overnight, a column of armoured vehicles and humvee jeeps carried out
attacks in the outskirts of Falluja designed to draw out the rebels and
provide fresh targets for the air power and artillery.

These are the kind of preliminary operations which would be carried out
before a full-scale assault on Falluja, our correspondent says.

The air strikes reduced the Nazzal hospital, run by a Saudi Arabian Islamic
charity, to rubble.

Hospital officials quoted by Reuters news agency say all the contents were

More people were preparing to flee the city - more than half of the city's
estimated 300,000 people have already left.

US marine officers say the full-scale attack will go ahead only once Iraqi
Prime Minister Iyad Allawi has given the order.

"The window really is closing for a peaceful settlement," Mr Allawi said on
Friday after meeting EU leaders in Brussels.

In a letter to the leaders of the US, UK and Iraq, UN Secretary General Kofi
Annan warned that the use of force risked alienating Iraqis when their
support for elections was vital.

But Mr Allawi called the letter "confused". He said if Mr Annan thought he
could prevent insurgents in Falluja from "inflicting damage and killing", he
was welcome to try.

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