From  the archives:

  Bernie the Bomber's Bad Week

  by Will Miller

  In late April I was among the 25 Vermonters who occupied Congressman
  Bernie Sanders' Burlington office to protest his support of the NATO
  bombing of Yugoslavia and the ongoing war against Iraq.  Calling 
  the "Instant Antiwar Action Group," we decided to bring our outrage at
  Bernie's escalating hypocrisy directly to his office, an action that 
  in 15 of us being arrested for trespass.

  Many of us worked on Bernie's campaigns through
  1980's, the years he was--as the local press repeatedly put it--
  the "avowed socialist" Mayor of Burlington, Vermont. His descent
  into de facto membership the Democratic party has been a major setback
  for the task of building a real electoral alternative to the
  two factions of the corporate property that monopolize what passes
  for political choice in the United States. Bernie's selling out
  says clearly to working people and those unable to find work
  that even leftists become mainstream politicians, when and if
  they win office.

  Sanders presented himself to the left outside of Vermont
  as the leader of the third party movement, vanquishing the two major
  parties in every Mayoral election from 1981-88.

  When he first got elected Mayor of Burlington he was
  the only elected U.S. official to attend the anniversary of the 
  Revolution in Managua. The Gannett owned Burlington Free Press
  said he had to be removed from office "by any means necessary."
  Now that same Burlington Free Press endorses his Congressional

  Bernie became an imperialist to get elected in 1990.
  In August, 1990--after the Bush administration enticed Iraq into
  invading Kuwait--Sanders said he wasn't "going to let some damn
  war cost him the election," according to a staff member who was
  present at the time. So Sanders backed the buildup in the Persian Gulf
  and dumped on the left anti-imperialist peace movement, singling
  out his former allies like Dave Dellinger for public criticism.

  He lost in 1988 Congressional race, the last time
  the Democratic party ran an official candidate against him. In
  that election Sanders and the Democrat, Paul Poirer, split the
  majority of votes and the election went to the Republican, Peter Smith.

  Bernie--out of office for the first time in eight years--
  then went to the Kennedy School at Harvard for six months and came
  back with a new relationship with the state's Democrats. The
  Vermont Democratic Party leadership has allowed no authorized
  candidate to run against Bernie in 1990 (or since) and in return,
  Bernie has repeatedly blocked third party building. His closet party,
  the Democrats, are very worried about a left 3rd party forming in
  Vermont. In the last two elections, Sanders has prevented
  Progressives in his machine from running against Howard Dean,
  our conservative Democratic Governor who was ahead of Gingrich in
  the attack on welfare.

  The unauthorized Democratic candidate in 1990, Delores
  Sandoval, an African American faculty member at the University of
  Vermont, was amazed that the official party treated her as a nonperson
  and Bernie kept outflanking her to her right. She opposed the
  Gulf build-up, Bernie supported it. She supported decriminalization
  of drug use and Bernie defended the war on drugs, and so on.....

  After being safely elected in November of 1990, Bernie
  continued to support the buildup while seeking membership in the
  Democratic Congressional Caucus--with the enthusiastic support of t
  he Vermont Democratic Party leadership. But, the national Democratic 
  blew him off, so he finally voted against the war and returned 
  as the war began--belatedly claimed to be the leader of the anti-war
  movement in Vermont.

  Since 1991 the Democrats have given Bernie membership
  in their Congressional Caucus. Reciprocally, Bernie has become an
  ardent imperialist. Sanders endorsed Clinton in 1992 and 1996. In
  1992 he described Clinton as the "lesser of evils," (a justification
  he used to denounce when he was what the local press called an
  "avowed socialist"). By 1996 he gave Clinton an unqualified
  endorsement. He has been a consistent "Friend of Bill's" from
  since 1992. One student I know worked on the Clinton Campaign
  in 1996 and all across Vermont, Bernie was on the stage with
  the rest of the Vermont Democratic Party Leadership, while the
  unauthorized Democratic candidate for his Congressional seat was
  kept out in the audience.

  Sanders continues to support sanctions even though the
  Iraqi body count has now passed 1.5 million. Just as he has supported
  every bombing of Iraq since 1992. When Clinton sent military
  units to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in October, 1994 because Iraq
  moved troops inside Iraq closer to the Kuwait border (apparently
  about 100 miles away), Bernie supported this because "we cannot
  tolerate aggression."

  As a Congressman in Vermont he has allied himself the
  MIA/POW crowd, the American Legion and the VFW, the very groups that
  red baited him as Mayor. At the same time he and his staff "forget"
  to invite the Green Mountain Veteran's for Peace--the only anti-
  imperialist veterans group in the state--to his sponsored Veterans
  events. He sends out mailings to veterans that supports the US
  having "the strongest military in the world," while praising
  our sacrifices as veterans "for the freedom of Americans."

  Bernie regularly rides out with the rest of the Vermont
  Congressional delegation defending the military contracts in Vermont
  against cuts by the Pentagon, while arguing that some moderation in
  military spending is possible on the grounds "that the threat of 
  is over" (WCAX interview, 10/94).

  Incidentally, Sanders now has a stronger record voting
  on the Democratic side in the Congress than either Bonier or Gephardt
  --the Congressional Leadership of the Democratic Party. It is
  tempting to situate Sanders within the framework of the Congress
  as a whole. By that standard he doesn't look so bad--though that's
  a very low standard to use. But remember, unlike Maxine Waters
  or Ron Dellums who moved continuously to their left during their
  Congressional careers, Bernie got where he is now by a lurch
  to the right. He promises working people, the aged, the poor,
  and the "vanishing middle class" that he will defend them while
  he repeatedly blocks the building of the anti-capitalist political
  movement and party that might actual make such promises legitimate.
  Indeed, when challenged publicly about his failure to help build
  a left alternative to the major capitalist parties, Sanders claims
  he is now too busy with his work in Congress to be

  Among his other discredits, Sanders supported the
  Federal Crime Bill that give the gave the capitalist state more than
  50 new pretexts to execute members of the working class--because
  those without capital get the punishment. He did this while courting
  the Vermont Police Chief's Assn. Sanders also voted to extradite
  Assata Shakur from Cuba in violation of the existing treaties with 

  Recently, Bernie championed in Congress the dumping
  of Vermont's nuclear waste near Sierra Blanca, Texas, a low income
  border community with a mostly Latino population that is overwhelmingly
  opposed to the dump project. Environmental racism and classism
  seem not to bother him.

  On a related issue, Bernie was recently asked by the local
  press why he was the only member of Vermont' s three member
  Congressional delegation who had no person of color on his staff.
  Bernie responded that "we're hiring the most qualified people
  we can."

  For all of these reasons, we are sitting-in at Bernie
  Sander's Office. We call on all Vermonters who shares our concern
  and horror at what U.S. Empire is doing in Yugoslavia and Iraq to
  make your voices heard.

  The response to our occupation of Bernie's office was, unfortunately,
  consistent with his lurch to the mainstream. At 6:30 PM, one half hour
  after closing time, Philip Fiermonte of Bernie's staff had 15 of us
  arrested for trespass. Sanders refused a conference call with those in
  the occupation, which was carried out nonviolently and with no
  disruption to his staff. Fiermonte claimed he could not contact Sanders
  for the four hours of the occupation-- if true, it still another way 
  has gotten out of touch in the Congress.
  Ironically, Fiermonte was one of the defendants in the celebrated 
  44 case in 1984, where the conservative U.S. Senator Robt. Stafford's 
  office was occupied for his support of Reagan's murderous wars in 
  America. At least Stafford's staff let the occupation continue for 
three days
  before having anyone arrested.

  In the following week, Bernie, doing quick damage control, ducked
  responsibility for arresting the "Sanders 15" and got himself included 
  the last minute with a Congressional delegation going to Austria to 
meet with
  representatives of the Russian Duna to bring the Russians in to help 
  a settlement in the US/NATO war in Yugoslavia. But, before leaving to 
  the Russians, he voted in favor of the continued bombing of Yugoslavia,
  a bombing that the Russians had already said would have to stop as a
  precondition for any settlement. A general town meeting has already 
  scheduled for the following Monday, so he turned it to a "town meeting 
on Kosovo."

  Apparently, Bernie Sanders has forgotten what a Town Meeting is.
  Perhaps he lived in Burlington (too "big" for town meetings) and 
  (scared to death of town meetings) for so many years he cannot recall 
how a
  democratic town meeting actually works. No one is allowed to appoint 
  the moderator for the town meeting and persons who are partisans on 
the issues
  before the town are excluded from the moderator's election in favor of 
  who can moderate fairly and evenhandedly.

  Sanders as the self-appointed moderator/boss opened the evening with 
  self-justification. "It is a very complex situation..." followed by 
the ritual of
  demonization of Milosevic--a technique he has perfected over the last 
eight years on
  Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Then he presented the false dilemma that the 
only alternative
  to bombing is doing nothing. Sanders said his situation was the same 
as that of Joschka
  Fischer's of the Green Party, Germany's Foreign Minister, who has 
outraged his Green
  Party membership by supporting the bombing his coalition government is 
  out as part of NATO.

  Back in Vermont the assembled citizenry moaned audibly.

  He continued by subjecting the packed room of over 200 people to more 
  an hour of a panel presentation by people of his own choosing; even 
then, only one
  panelist overtly supported his position--Bogdan Denich, a professor 
from New York
  City and leader of the pro-imperialist wing of the Democratic 
Socialists of America.
  Another panelist, Shirley Gedeon, a UVM Economist whose speciality is 
the Balkans,
  undercut Sander's historical analysis and a third, Roddy Cleary, a 
feminist and
  religious activist, challenged he support of the bombing directly.

  Apparently, with all the college and universities in Vermont, Bernie 
had to
  travel far into flatlander territory to find an academic willing to 
support his
  "bomb now, talk later" position. In fact, Denich went beyond Bernie's 
present position
  and called for sending in ground troops, immediately.

  After allotting the panelists and himself 12 minutes each and now more 
than an
  hour and a half into the meeting, the people finally had a chance to 
speak. But only for 2
  minutes each, dictated the self-appointed moderator Bernie! And this 
after having
  lectured us on how "complex" the issue of the US/NATO War on 
Yugoslavia really is.
  When he was challenged by a few members of the meeting about his 
  restriction of peoples' speech, he said anyone who didn't like it 
could leave. It seems
  when Sanders was in college in Chicago, he learned more from Mayor 
Richard J. Daley
  than from his academic studies.

  The overwhelming majority of the people present were against Sander's 
support for the
  bombing. Even with all his attempts to control the meeting, the people 
had at him for
  more than an hour and a half. He was denounced for his selling out to 
the Empire and
  it's war machine and for his support for the 9 year old war against 
Iraq and his active
  support for every US intervention since he has been in Congress--Iraq, 
  Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and 
  He was further criticized for his refusal to ban or even object to the 
use of depleted
  uranium with it's long term toxicity in both Iraq and Yugoslavia. 
Sanders even tried
  to escape responsibility for arresting 15 of his constituents in his 
office one week ago
  for the crime of wanting to talk to him without an appointment by 
blaming those arrested
  for their arrest, as if they went out and brought the police in to 
arrest themselves.

  Sanders was repeatedly unresponsive to questions put to him. He 
  and arrogance did not serve him well. In the end, only a few people 
defended him.
  Whatever else Sanders gets for his joining the other side in the 
global struggle for
  social justice--he has lost the left and the peace movement here is 
  Maybe in the next election he will finally have to run officially as 
the Democrat he
  has been for the last 9 years! And then the people of Vermont will be 
free to build t
  he anti-capitalist political movement and party that Sanders has 
worked so hard to
  block for more than a decade.

  People left the meeting resolving to escalate the antiwar movement 
  the US escalates the war with an invasion of ground troops. The latest 
leaks out of
  NATO sources in Europe suggest that the current plan is to invade with 
  by the end of May.
  Remember Vietnam!
  Never again!
  This essay appeared in Wild Matters II, The Old North End Rag, July, 
1999 and The Northern Spy, Summer, 1999.

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