Press Release
11 February 2005
Should Burlington vote to bring troops home now?
Pre-Town Meeting Forum on
Iraq War Referendum Question
“Shall the voters of the City of Burlington advise the President and Congress that Burlington and its citizens strongly support the men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces in Iraq and believe that the best way to support them is to bring them home now?”

Speakers on both sides of the question and discussion from the floor

Wednesday, February 16, 7:00 pm

Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, Church Street, Burlington
Sponsored by City Councilor Jane Knodell

Those advocating a "yes" vote say the war is illegal and no soldiers should be killed or wounded. Over 100,000 Iraqis have died from this war and the killing continues, while the resistance to the occupation is growing rapidly. They say the war is really not about weapons of mass destruction, Iraqi ties to Al Queda, or democracy. They say the
US is building permanent basis in Iraq to control its oil and that of neighboring states.

Some advocating a "no" vote say the
US troops should remain in Iraq until the mission is complete. Others oppose the resolution because it uses the word "now." President Bush said he will bring the troops home "as soon as possible," but he also said he does not expect that until past the end of his term in office. Some advocating a "no" vote say if we broke it we should fix it and call for continued presence until we rebuild.

Representatives from
Vermont's congressional delegation are scheduled to speak.

Jane Knodell - Ward 2 City Councilor

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