
Re the note that is forwarded below: Please note that Senator Leahy is the ranking member for Foreign Operations.

---Forwarded Message---

Date:         Fri, 1 Apr 2005 17:52:03 -0600
Sender: ELCA Mid-East Networking List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Ann Hafften <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CMEP: contact your two senators   050401

April 1, 2005

>From the ELCA Middle East Networking List...

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) issues this "LAST CALL for you to
contact your two Senators..."

March 31, 2005
Senate consideration of Palestinian aid in War Supplemental

This alert can also be found on CMEP's website at:

LAST CALL for you to contact your two Senators urging their support, without
any new conditions, for the $200 million in aid to the Palestinians in the
Emergency Supplemental. Information about the legislation and direction for
advocacy was emailed to you on March 18, and can be found at:

The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to markup the supplemental
on Wednesday April 6. Before the markup, CMEP Board and staff have lobby
appointments with the legislative aides for ten members (Bennett, Brownback,
DeWine, Gregg, Harkin, Inouye, Tim Johnson, Landrieu, McConnell, Shelby) of
the Appropriations Foreign Operations Subcommittee. After the Appropriations
Committee agrees on the bill it will be go to the Senate floor for debate
and the vote and then on to conference with the House.

If a Senator from your state is on the Senate Appropriations Committee (see
end of message), your call or email is extremely important. Contact info for
all Senators can be found at:

We encourage you to take your talking points from the following CMEP letter,
which will be delivered to all Senators tomorrow.

(Printed on CMEP letterhead)
April 1, 2005
The Honorable (First Last Name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator,

Churches for Middle East Peace encourages you to support, without adding new
conditions, the President's request for $200 million in aid for the
Palestinians in the '05 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act.

Congressional support for the historic changes being taken by Prime Minister
Sharon and Palestinian Authority President Abbas is crucial. As the
President has said, the goal of two states living side by side in peace and
security is within reach; we are at a moment of opportunity and we must
seize it.

Churches for Middle East Peace supports transparency and accountability of
aid provided to the Palestinians, and to any other group or country. But,
progress toward peace has been undermined by the excessive conditions placed
by the House Appropriations committee in its consideration of this aid,
including the removal of the President's national security waiver. The
President should have the flexibility to direct U.S. aid to the Palestinian
Authority as he has before.

Expedited provision of U.S. aid will provide much needed evidence to the
Palestinian people that working nonviolently within a political process can
improve their lives and restore their hope for a viable state of Palestine.
As well as institutional reform, the Palestinian people need the basic
infrastructure development, home construction, agricultural and business
development and job creation that will be funded by the '05 Emergency

We hope that you and the majority of the Senate will support the President's
request and, in conference with the House, give back to the President the
flexibility he needs to promote U.S. security interests in the region.

Executive Committee of Churches for Middle East Peace
J. Daryl Byler, Chair
Stan DeBoe, OSST
Catherine Gordon
Jeanette Holt
Maureen Shea


Senate Appropriations Committee Members

Member of Congress and Staff Contact
Allard, Wayne (R-CO)   Sam Tatevosyan
Bennett, Robert (R-UT)   Nathan Graham
Bond, Christopher (R-MO)   John Stoody
Brownback, Sam (R-KS)   Hannah Royal
Burns, Conrad (R-MT)   Erin Pierce
Cochran, Thad (R-MS, Chair)   Ann Copland
Craig, Larry (R-ID)   Gordon Matlock
DeWine, Mike (R-OH)   Kristine Poptanich
Domenici, Pete (R-NM)   David Meyers
Gregg, Judd (R-NH)   Frank Barca
Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R-TX)   Michael Drobac
McConnell, Mitch (R-KY, Foreign Ops Chair)   Rob Brownell
Shelby, Richard (R-AL)   Laura Friedeo
Specter, Arlen (R-PA)   Vicki Siegel
Stevens, Ted (R-AK)   Karina Waller

Byrd, Robert (D-WV, Ranking Member)   Erik Raven
Dorgan, Byron (D-ND)   Jeremy Bratt
Durbin, Richard (D-IL)   Shannon Smith
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)   Rich Harper
Harkin, Tom (D-IA)   Jane Siegel
Johnson, Tim (D-SD)   Jody Bennett
Kohl, Herb (D-WI)   Naomi Baum
Inouye, Daniel (D-HI)   Chrystn Alsoton Eads
Landrieu, Mary (D-LA)   Jason Matthews
Leahy, Patrick (D-VT, Foreign Ops Ranking Mem)
Mikulski, Barbara (D-MD)   Frederic Baron
Murray, Patty (D-WA)   Leslie Turner
Reid, Harry (D-NV)   Rich Verma

Corinne Whitlatch, Executive Director
Churches for Middle East Peace
110 Maryland Ave NE, #311
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone (202) 543-1222

---- ---- ---- ----

If you have received this bulletin directly from us, it is because you
subscribed to the ELCA Middle East Networking List. Please forward this
bulletin to others who are interested in a just peace for Palestine and

To Join (or Leave) this List, go to www.elca.org/middleeast.

Ann Hafften
Coordinator for Middle East Networking
Division for Global Mission, ELCA
800-638-3522, ext. 6466

---End of Forwarded Message---

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