****Forward Widely****

Come to . . .

“Socialism 2005; Build the Left Alternative”
A weekend of political discussion, debate and entertainment
July1-4 in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare

We live at a time when billions are spent on an increasingly unpopular war while politicians plot to rob retirees and the disabled of their Social Security.
When the Democratic Party talks more about finding “common ground” with conservatives than of opposing them. When the media acts as a propaganda arm of the Pentagon and the U.S. government.
Clearly, the need for an alternative on the left—an alternative that speaks to the millions of ordinary people who are fed up with war, attacks on workers and threats to our civil rights—is more pressing than ever.
Building that alternative is up to us—and Socialism 2005 is a great place to start. Socialism 2005 provides a forum where activists from today’s struggles can come together to discuss how we can rebuild the left and to win a world where ordinary people will decide the priorities of our society.
You’re invited to take part in more than 100 discussions on today’s struggles, the socialist tradition, political theory and much more—all aimed at arming a new generation with the ideas they need to change the world.

What you’ll find at Socialism 2005:

MORE THAN 100 MEETINGS on topics ranging from Marxist theory to the politics of sports. BOOKFAIR, FILMS, entertainment…and dance parties with live music.

Featured Speakers include:

MIKE ALEWITZ, Labor Art and Mural Project* PETER CAMEJO, California Green Party* and independent candidate for vice-president, 2004 ANTONIS DAVANELLOS, Internationalist Workers Left (Greece) and Greek Social Forum* MONIQUE JEANNE DOLS and HADAS THIER, Campus Antiwar Network*, SAM FARBER, author, Before Stalinism and Revolution andCounterrevolution in Cuba JOSHUA FRANK, author, Left Out: How the Left Helped Reelect George Bush LUCIANA GENRO, Party of Socialism and Liberty (Brazil)* SHUJAA GRAHAM and PHYLLIS PRENTICE on George Jackson and Prisoners Rights Movement of the 1960s ELAINE HAGOPIAN, editor, Civil Rights inPeril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims ERNESTO HERRERA, editor, Correspondencia de Prensa* MARLENE MARTIN, Campaign to End the Death Penalty* CAMILO MEJÍA, the first Iraq veteran to refuse to serve a second tour VICTOR PAREDES, brother of Pablo Paredes, facing court martial for refusing to return to Iraq AHMED SHAWKI, editor, International Socialist Review* SHARON SMITH, author, Women and Socialism CHARLES-ANDRÉ UDRY, economist, editor of L’Encontre and Editions Page Deux* KEVIN ZEESE, Democracy Rising* DAVE ZIRIN, columnist, Edge of Sports and DAVE MEGGYSEY, former NFL linebacker and author of Out of Their League, on sports and politics Activists from struggles in PUERTO RICO, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, VENEZUELA, PHILIPPINES and EUROPE. Dramatic readings from Voices of a People’s History of the United States, edited by HOWARD ZINN and ANTHONY ARNOVE

*Affilations listed for identification purposes only.

Register online www.socialismconference.org before June 1 for just $75. Regular registration for the full conference is $85. One-day registration and single event attendance are also welcome. On-site childcare is available.

Reserve a room at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare at a special conference rate of $99 (single to quad) plus tax. Make your reservation by June 14, 2005 by calling 1-800-233-1234 or 1-847-696-1234. You must tell them that you are with the Center for Economic Research (CERSC)/Socialism Conference. All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. These rooms at these guaranteed prices will be held for the Center until June14, 2005. So make your reservations early!

For more information:
Go to www.socialismconference.org. Contact your local branch of the International Socialist Organization. Write Socialism 2005, c/o ISR, P.O. Box, 258082, Chicago, IL 60625, or call 773-583-8665. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Sponsored by the Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of the International SocialistReview, and Haymarket Books.

Co-sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker.

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