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     Make our School Military Free!!!
Counter Recruitment Rally, Outside the Library at noon, Wednesday April 27th.
The military openly discriminates against gays and lesbians, bars women from participating in certain military jobs, and specifically targets people of color to enlist as cannon fodder. They use economic coercion, and out right lies, to convince the economically disadvantaged to sign away their lives. All of this in addition to the fact that the military is a tool used to aggressively extend US interest around the globe, without regard to the human cost of such a program.
Student and activist groups all across the country have taken the initiative to fight back against the military by forcing them off of their campuses. In Santa Cruz 300 people drove recruiters from an UCSC job fair; in New Haven students confronted recruiters despite police intimidation; and even right here in Vermont, students at Middlebury College had the military banned from their campus because of their discriminatory policies. We want to see these sorts of things occur at UVM.
Join Students Against War and other campus activist groups for a speak out against the Military Recruitment, the War in Iraq, and other topics that confront the anti-war movement.
Students Against War meets every monday at 7 PM in L/L 315

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