***Forward Widely***

Friday, MAY 20 The ARMY takes a one-day retreat from RECRUITING

We SAY: GET OUT of our schools and STAY OUT!

Last week, the U.S. Army announced suspension of all recruiting this Friday, May 20 to conduct an unprecedented "values stand-down" for the 7,500 senior officers and recruiters nationwide.

This comes at a time when military recruitment is down nationally and the common knowledge is that recruiters lie and manipulate people in order to fill their ranks. While the military takes the day to "stand-down," join us on May 20 to STAND UP at schools and recruitment centers across the country to demand:

   · Military recruiters out of our schools!

   · Money for education, not for war and occupation!

   · No more blood for oil, Iraq for Iraqis!

In the past couple years since the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, the U.S. military has been in the spotlight for their undemocratic and coercive practices around the world. Since September 11, thousands of Middle Eastern men and boys have been tortured and mistreated in military prisons from Guantanamo Bay to Afghanistan. A year ago this month, the Abu Ghraib torture scandal exposed the underbelly of US military occupation to the world.

Let’s take May 20, the military’s own "values stand-down" day, to send a message that we will NOT stand down from our fight against the militarization of our schools, the preying of the military on poor and working class young people, or the continued humiliation of people subjugated to the US military around the world.

Sponsored by the Campus Anti-war Network

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