---Forwarded Message---

Date:         Wed, 25 May 2005 08:37:09 -0500
Sender: ELCA Mid-East Networking List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Ann Hafften <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RAND report: Building a Successful Palestinian State   050525

May 25, 2005

Corrine Whitlatch, executive director of Churches for Middle East Peace,
sent this memo regarding the RAND Corporation's recent report, "Building a
Successful Palestinian State."

May 18, 2005
RAND Palestine Project and CMEP Leadership Council
This alert may also be found on the CMEP website at:

The "New York Times" on Sunday, May 15, had a huge piece about the RAND
Corporation reports on "Building a Successful Palestinian State." (The May 2
Email Network message includes a link to the reports.) The reports provide
positive substance to the "vision" of a viable state of Palestine. In our
conversations with Congressional staff about the necessary components of a
Palestinian state, we will be pointing to the RAND reports as an example of
what is possible as a result of a negotiated agreement that ends the
occupation and the conflict.

Ann Kerr, the Chair of CMEP's Leadership Council, is on the Advisory Board
of the RAND Corporation's Center for Middle East Public Policy.  She has
been involved with RAND's Palestine Project since its inception. The
Leadership Council is a group of prominent people with close ties to and/or
experience in the Middle East: academicians, business leaders, church
leaders, journalists, former diplomats and politicians. We are grateful to
these members of CMEP churches for assisting CMEP with their expertise,
wisdom and contacts. The Leadership Council members are: Ann Zwicker Kerr
(California), Betty Atherton (Maryland), Carl and Anne Brown(New Jersey),
Edmond Browning (Oregon), Drew Christiansen, S.J. (New York), Helena Cobban
(Virginia), David Dodge (New Jersey), Bob and Roberta Grimm (New York), Jim
and Amy Hecht (Colorado), David Johnson (Pennsylvania), Douglas and Mary Ann
Kerr (Ohio), Charles Kimball (North Carolina), Carol LaHurd (New York), Ann
Lesch (Egypt), Michael Martinez (Maryland), Scott McConnell (Washington,
DC), George McGovern (South Dakota), Richard and Anne Murphy (New York), Bob
and Phyllis Oakley (Washington, DC), Walter Owensby (Virginia). New members
are John Lindner (Connecticut) and Phil Wilcox (Washington, DC). The third
annual meeting of the Leadership Council will take place in late June. CMEP
Board and staff will team up with Council members in Hill visits with their
own Representative and Senators.

I forward here Ann Kerr's note to friends about the "New York Times" feature
on the Rand Palestine Project along with a link to the NYT article and a
slide show that gives an overview illustration of RAND's urban design plan
for Palestine. Look quickly because I don't know how long access will be

-- -- --

Dear Friends,

I'm sending along this article from the front page of the May 15th NYT Arts
Section about my friend Doug Suisman and the RAND Palestine Project which
was partially hatched in front of the fire in our barbecue two years ago!
The project is both visionary and practical.  It can't begin till the day
after the peace settlement, but it offers a tangible goal for both sides to
strive toward and the possibility of creating equal partners in building a
peaceful Middle East.  I think there is some real hope here.

Warm wishes,  Ann Kerr

New York Times article with photos (may require free registration) -

Text only: http://www.cmep.org/documents/NYT_RAND_Palestine.htm

-- -- --

Churches for Middle East Peace
110 Maryland Ave NE, #311
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone (202) 543-1222

---- ---- ---- ----

If you have received this bulletin directly from us, it is because you
subscribed to the ELCA Middle East Networking List. Please forward this
bulletin to others who are interested in a just peace for Palestine and

To Join (or Leave) this List, go to www.elca.org/middleeast

Ann Hafften
Coordinator for Middle East Networking
Division for Global Mission, ELCA
800-638-3522, ext. 6466

"The Church must work even when nothing is changing."
Bishop Munib Younan, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

---End of Forwarded Message---

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