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From: "Uri Avnery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 15:00:50 +0200
Subject: Gush on resettlement mess
This week's message.
Salamaat, Shalom,

                                    PLANNED MESS


A year after the decision to evacuate 1700 settler families from the Gaza Strip, nothing is ready. The building of new homes for them has not even begun.


At the same time, the government is building with great energy thousands of housing units for the West Bank settlers.


Conclusion: The fiasco of the resettlement of the Gush  Katif settlers is a planned failure. Sharon wants to create the impression that the evacuation of the small settlements in Gaza is a huge undertaking, straining his capabilities to the utmost, so that no one should even dream of evacuating 200 thousand settlers from the West Bank.


That is a false presentation.


When Israel will reach the conclusion that all the occupied territories must be evacuated, it will be equal to the test. The sooner this happens, the easier and cheaper it will be.


The continuation of the occupation will be by far more expensive.





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                                                                               Gush Shalom ad published in Ha'aretz, 

                                                                                                May 27, 2005

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