Fellow VTJPers: I'm passing along an email Dan McGowan passed along 
to me on June 26.  It is an account of Dr. Uri Davis' trip to 
Australia.  It's long, but worth the read. The tactics used to 
silence and discredit him are quite interesting, but not surprising.

VISIT TO AUSTRALIA, June 2-9, 2005
Dr Uri Davis, Palestinian Jew, academic, human rights activist, 
opponent of Political Zionism and Observer-Member of the Palestine 
National Council, arrived in Australia for a week long speaking tour 
on June 2 as a guest of Deir Yassin Remembered/Australia. His visit 
followed a week in Malaysia as a guest of Deir Yassin 
Remembered/Malaysia. Predictably, his visit set a number of knees 

Although scheduled to speak at the nationally televised National 
Press Club in the Australian capital, Canberra, on June 7, Dr Davis' 
address was cancelled virtually at the last moment by the NPC's CEO, 
Maurice Reilly who cited insufficient bookings as the reason. 
Sceptical, DYR/Australia initially took Mr Reilly's action at face 
value only to read in a June 3 article in The Australian Jewish News 
('Controversial Israeli speaker's Canberra address in doubt') 
that "Davis' scheduled address - 'The Jewish National Fund of 
Australia: A Critical Assessment' - had provoked some concerns within 
the Jewish community, with JNF CEO Rob Schneider warning officials of 
possible legal action. 'The club could do themselves irreparable harm 
and damage, and we would hold them jointly responsible for what Davis 
may say that could be defamatory towards the JNF,' Schneider told the 
AJN." According to the same article, Mr Reilly was quoted as saying 
that "We will protect the right to free speech and debate...We also 
welcome Mr Schneider and anyone else to attend to also put forward 
their view." 
Mr Schneider was also quoted calling Dr Davis a "non-entity" 
whose "credibility is lacking" and a "self-styled academic who 
publishes his own books" - quite possibly exposing himself to a 
possible defamation action. The AJN article further went on to say 
that "Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council executive director 
Colin Rubinstein also criticised the decision to allow Davis to 
address the club. He said that in the past he had offered speakers 
such as US lawyer Alan Dershowitz, only to be told that the club's 
program was filled."
This, the first of two items to appear in the AJN about Dr Davis' 
visit, erroneously described Dr Davis' sponsor, DYR, as 
a "Palestinian group...named after an Arab village near Jerusalem 
which was the scene of a disputed massacre of Palestinians in 1948." 
["Disputed"? As in 'disputed', not occupied territories. DYR]
Despite some evidence that registrations for Dr Davis' talk were not 
being processed, Mr Reilly was quoted in a June 8 Canberra Times 
article ('Club denies bowing to Jewish lobby') as saying that "We had 
five or less bookings for the event and we chose to cancel it in 
deference to not embarrassing the speaker...Unrelated to that 
decision, there have been people who have made representations that 
they didn't want this address to go ahead."

DYR's Canberra Director, Avigail Abarbanel, was quoted in the same 
article as saying that "The official line from the NPC is that there 
haven't been enough bookings and that's why it was cancelled and 
that's what I'm prepared to accept...However, I am absolutely 
appalled that the Zionist Israeli lobby is basically doing everything 
it can to prevent people from speaking publicly. I was hoping people 
from Zionist organisations would come to the speech and challenge Dr 
Davis publicly and have a proper debate but their tactic is to 
threaten and try to stop him speaking."

Dr Davis' designated address at the NPC was to be on the subject of 
the JNF of Australia and its planting of a Yizkor (Rememberance) 
forest on the lands of the destroyed Palestinian village of Ijzim, 
ethnically cleansed by the Israeli army in the course of and in the 
wake of the 1948-49 war in Palestine, and to focus on the question of 
whether this planting should be recognised as charitable activity, or 
rather as activity complicit with war crimes. It should be pointed 
out that his call for the declassification of the JNF (and/or JNF-
related bodies) as a charity and the nullification of their tax-
exempt status under Australian law was also issued at his other 
presentations in Australia. In fact, Dr Davis is not only not 
prepared to take the official line of the NPC on this issue at face 
value, but challenges the JNF to initiate libel/defamation charges 
against him in Australia.   

As far as the issue of Israel/Palestine is concerned, there have been 
previous attempts to silence free speech in this country. Perhaps the 
best known occurred in 2003 when Palestinian human rights campaigner 
and DYR Adviser, Hanan Ashrawi, was awarded the 2003 Sydney Peace 
Prize. Ashrawi became the subject of an ultimately unsuccessful 
campaign which, in the words of Professor Stuart Rees, director of 
the Sydney Peace Foundation which awards the prize annually, 
sought "to vilify her, to ridicule the status of the prize, to 
pressure the companies that are partners of the foundation to cease 
their public and financial support and to petition the Premier [of 
the state of New South Wales] not to give the award." [Sydney Morning 
Herald, 20/10/03]

While in Australia Dr Davis was interviewed twice on the Australian 
Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National, the most important of our 
government-funded ABC's radio stations. Given the proliferation of 
Zionist spokespersons on Radio National, DYR/Australia regards it as 
quite a coup to have secured these two interviews.

The first such program, Late Night Live, hosted by left-of-centre 
media identity Philip Adams and broadcast nationally, went to air on 
June 6 at 10 pm and was repeated at 4 pm the following day. Philip 
Adams touched on the subject of the cancellation of Dr Davis' NPC 
address, and announced on the latter program that LNL had contacted 
the NPC's Mr Reilly. Quoting the NPC CEO, Adams reported that "while 
there had been complaints about the forthcoming appearance of Uri 
Davis, most notably from a highly vexed senior representative of the 
Jewish National Fund in Australia, this he insists had no impact at 
all on the decision to cancel Uri Davis' appearance. The cancellation 
was because there were insufficient advanced bookings, and that Uri 
Davis was offered the opportunity of a smaller private briefing but 
he declined so there you go..."

Dr Davis' second interview, with The Religion Report's David 
Rutledge, ran on the morning and evening of June 8, again to a 
national audience. Typically, with respect to anyone with a critical 
perspective on matters Israeli who actually manages to make it onto 
the op-ed page or secure an interview, a rare enough feat in itself, 
the Australian media often feels (or is made to feel) the need 
to 'balance' the speaker/writer with a pro-Israel spokesperson. 

Dr Davis' Religion Report interview received this kind of treatment 
and was actually sandwiched between two interviews with the 
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council's Ted Lapkin. The latter 
referred to Dr Davis as "hard, hard, hard left" [He is not even a 
Marxist. DYR]; portrayed the JNF as innocuous tree huggers; claimed 
that the war of 48 was initiated by the Arabs and that the latter had 
rejected a perfectly reasonable UN partition plan [of which Israel 
has been in blatant violation, annexing the city of Jerusalem and 
claiming it as its capital, despite the city's designation by the 
said UN Partition Plan as a corpus seperatum under an international 
regime administered by the UN. DYR]; and described the 
Arabs/Palestinians of that period as a "population that had already 
demonstrated its genocidal, existential hostility to the very 
existence of a Jewish community in Israel."

And that was only Ted's first bite of the cherry! His second 
consisted of an attempted rebuttal of Dr Davis' argument for a bi-
national state of Palestine, claiming, among other things, that the 
only Arabs with free speech and a right to vote were Israeli Arabs 
and that Jews constituted an "ethnic nation" with a right to self-
determination. [Thus presumably meaning that they had the right to 
ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine, the 
Palestinian Arab people. DYR]

The result: fully half of the program was given over to a Zionist 
propagandist whose sole aim was to neutralise, contain and obfuscate 
Dr Davis' arguments. Little wonder then that the public tends to 
place this issue in the too-hard basket...just where the Zionists 
want it.

Despite this Dr Davis was able to get an airing for ideas virtually 
unknown to the mainstream Australian media: the difference between 
political and cultural Zionism; the incompatibility between the 
claimed Zionist right to self-determination and the realty of Zionist 
ethnic cleansing; the characterisation of Israel as a colonial-
settler state in conflict with Palestine's indigenous population; the 
apartheid nature of a state which reserves 93% of its land in law 
exclusively for Jewish settlement, cultivation and development; the 
absence of "petty apartheid", the better to market Israel as the only 
democracy in the Middle East; the complicity of the JNF in erasing 
Palestinian villages while their inhabitants are kept in a state of 
internal displacement within Israel or refugee statelessness beyond 
the Green Line; and the existence of a free, democratic South Africa 
as a pointer for change in Palestine. 

Dr Davis also spoke at two universities in Sydney, Australia's 
largest city, and one in Canberra. His first seminar, at the 
Macquarie University, was hosted by the Department of Politics and 
International Relations. Introduced by Dr Geoffrey Hawker, the 
department's deputy head, and Andrew Vincent, who runs its Middle 
East course, Dr Davis addressed around 100 people. 

Dr Davis' Macquarie University seminar occasioned another article in 
the Australian Jewish News of June 10 by one of its journalists, Mark 
Franklin, who attended the seminar. Although invited by DYR Sydney 
Director Colin Andersen to interview Dr Davis, Mr Franklin declined. 
In his short account, under the heading 'Israeli Slams JNF', Franklin 
wrote, inaccurately and without elaborating, that Dr Davis had 
accused the JNF of "land grabs and worse". He also claimed, without 
reference to the threats quoted in the June 3 issue of the AJN, that 
Dr Davis' aborted speech to the National Press Club was 
cancelled "due to lack of interest". He concluded his piece with a 
cryptic comment attributed to JNF CEO Rob Schneider: "the JNF 'does 
not wish to enhance the credibility of someone who is incredible." 
Interestingly, according to the author of the aforementioned Canberra 
Times report of June 8, Mr Schneider "could not be contacted".

Mark Franklin's article also managed, like its predecessor on June 3, 
to cite, not Dr Davis' current book, 'Apartheid Israel', copies of 
which were prominently displayed and available for sale at the 
seminar, but his much earlier and out of print, 'Israel: An Apartheid 
State'. A case of 'homework' not done perhaps? Equally intriguing was 
Mr Franklin's description of DYR as a "Palestinian think tank"!

Dr Davis' second seminar in Sydney took place at Sydney University 
and was hosted by Professor Stuart Rees' Centre for Peace and 
Conflict Studies (CPACS). It was attended by around 100 persons. A 
third seminar, organised by Australians for Justice and Peace in 
Palestine took place at the Australian National University in 

While in Canberra Dr Davis also met with the head of the Palestine 
Delegation to Australia, Ali Kazak, and with an official from the 
Department of Treasury at Parliament House, where he made an hour-
long submission and submitted, inter alia, a copy of his  50 page 
research on the JNF of Australia, 'The Jewish National Fund of 
Australia: A Critical Assessment', supported by a copy of his 
books 'Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within' 
and 'The Jewish National Fund' (in association with Walter Lehn, 
author), and additional information.

On June 4 he flew to Adelaide, capital of the state of South 
Australia, where he was hosted by The Australian Friends of Palestine 
Association (AFOPA). There he addressed a public meeting, 'Israel, a 
Democracy or an Apartheid State?', at the Pilgrim Center, followed by 
a caucus meeting of AFOPA held in preparation towards his meeting in 
Canberra with the Department of Treasury.

In addition to the above, Dr Davis also attended a Palestinian 
community function in Sydney where he was honoured with a gift of a 
beautiful piece of cross stitch embroidery from the Ein al-Hilwa 
refugee camp in Lebanon. He also spoke with the Sydney-based group, 
Jews against the Occupation who expressed interest in promoting 
Mosaic Communities: Multinational Housing Cooperatives in 
Israel/Pennies for Peace grass-root fundraising collection boxes in 
Australia as a counter to the Jewish National Fund 'Blue Box'.

The importance of Dr Uri Davis' visit to Australia cannot be 
underestimated. His seminars and interviews presented a breadth of 
analysis missing from the usual narrow media focus on the so-called 
peace process, the chimaera of a viable, contiguous Palestinian 
state, and the Gaza withdrawal as a supposed indication of Sharon's 
capacity for hard decisions in the name of peace. 

Too rarely do we hear from someone who cuts through to the 
fundamentals of the conflict - the unequal clash between a land-
grabbing colonial-settler movement and an indigenous population; the 
ugly reality of ethnic cleansing and war crimes behind the allegedly 
heroic myth of Israeli 'independence'; the legal and institutional 
framework of apartheid which informs Israel's existence as a Jewish 
state; the racist agenda behind Israel's concern to maintain a 
demographic majority of Jewish citizens; and the clear distinction, 
constantly blurred by Zionist propagandists, between Judaism, the 
faith, and political Zionism. 

Dr Davis' presentations, with their emphasis on human decency, the 
principles of international law and the primacy of the Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights, challenged the usual facile acceptance 
of realpolitik which characterizes mainstream debate on the question 
of Israel/Palestine in Australia. 

DYR/Australia extends its heartfelt thanks to Dr Davis for visiting 
these shores, recovering the question of Palestine from the too-hard 
basket, discomforting those in need of it, and outlining a possible 
principled solution to a conflict which has gone on now for far too 
long: a binational state of Palestine/Israel (federated, confederated 
or unitary) from the Mediterranean to the Jordan based on complete 
equality between all its citizens - Jewish citizens of Israel, Arab 
Palestinian citizens of Israel, Arab Palestinians under Israeli 
occupation, and stateless Arab Palestinian refugees expelled beyond 
Israel's 1948 borders.

 Colin Andersen

Sydney Director

Deir Yassin Remembered/Australia  


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