Friday, July 8, 2005

Blair's alliance with Bush bombed


"If you bomb our cities," Osama bin Laden said in a recent videotape,
"we will bomb yours."' It was clear Britain would be a target ever since
British Prime Minister Tony Blair decided to join President Bush's "war
on terror" and his invasion of Iraq. We had, as they say, been warned.
The G-8 summit was obviously chosen, well in advance, as Attack Day.

It's no use Blair telling us, "They will never succeed in destroying
what we hold dear." They are not trying to destroy "what we hold dear."
They are trying to get public opinion to force Blair to withdraw from
Iraq, out of his alliance with the United States, out of his adherence
to Bush's policies in the Middle East. The Spanish paid the price for
their support for Bush -- and Spain's subsequent retreat from Iraq
proved that the Madrid bombings achieved their objectives -- while the
Australians were made to suffer in Bali.

It is easy for Blair to call yesterday's bombings "barbaric"' -- they
were -- but what were the civilian deaths of the Anglo American invasion
of Iraq in 2003, the children torn apart by cluster bombs, the innocent
Iraqis gunned down at American military checkpoints. When they die, it
is "collateral damage"; when "we" die it is "barbaric terrorism."

If we are fighting insurgency in Iraq what makes us believe insurgency
won't come to us? One thing is certain: If Blair really believes that by
"fighting terrorism"' in Iraq we could more efficiently protect Britain,
this argument is no longer valid.

To time these bombs with the G-8 summit, when the world was
concentrating on Britain, was not a stroke of genius. You don't need a
Ph.D. to choose another Bush-Blair handshake to close down a capital
city with explosives and massacre its citizens. The G-8 summit was
announced so far in advance that he gave the bombers all the time they
needed to prepare. A coordinated system of attacks of the kind we saw
yesterday takes weeks to plan; we can forget the idiotic fantasy these
were timed to coincide with the Olympic decision. Bin Laden and his
supporters don't set up an operation like this on the off chance that
France will lose its bid to host the Games. Al-Qaida does not play

No, this would have taken months -- to choose safe houses, prepare
explosives, identify targets, ensure security, choose the bombers, to
plan the communications.

Coordination and sophisticated planning -- and the usual utter
indifference toward the lives of the innocent -- are characteristic of

Let us reflect on the fact that yesterday -- the opening of the G-8 --
represented a total failure of our security services. These are the same
intelligence "experts" who claim there were weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq when there were none but who utterly failed to uncover a
months-long plot to kill Londoners.

Trains, planes, buses, cars, metros. Transportation appears to be the
science of al-Qaida's dark arts. No one can search 3 million London
commuters every day. No one can stop every tourist.

Then come the Muslims of Britain, who have long been awaiting this
nightmare. Now every one of our Muslims becomes the usual suspect, the
man or woman with brown eyes, the man with the beard, the woman in the
scarf, the boy with the worry beads, the girl who says she's been
racially abused.

I remember, crossing the Atlantic on 9/11 -- my plane turned around off
Ireland when the United States closed its airspace -- how the aircraft
purser and I toured the cabins to see if we could identify any
suspicious passengers. I found about a dozen, of course, totally
innocent men who had brown eyes or long beards or who looked at me with
"hostility." And sure enough, in just a few seconds, bin Laden turned
nice, liberal, friendly Robert into an anti-Arab racist.

And this is part of the point of yesterday's bombings: to divide British
Muslims from British non-Muslims (let us not mention the name
Christians), to encourage the very kind of racism that Blair claims to

But here's the problem. To go on pretending that Britain's enemies want
to destroy "what we hold dear" encourages racism; what we are
confronting here is a specific, direct, centralized attack on London as
a result of a "war on terror" that Blair has locked us into. Just before
the U.S. presidential elections, bin Laden asked: "Why do we not attack
Sweden?" Lucky Sweden. No Osama bin Laden there. And no Tony Blair.

Robert Fisk writes for The Independent in London.


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