Minus her name, I'm pasting below the response a friend wrote to me after I gave her our website.  The credit goes to our webmaster, Jamie.  BRAVO, JAMIE !!!   Best regards, Monica
Thanks for sending this information, Monica. I was just on the Vermonters for Just Peace website…it’s amazing.  Makes me cry.  I read an interesting article entitled ‘Addicted to Occupation’.  I found it to be so well written…written by an Israeli who wants to start the ’12 step process’ to stop subjugating others. And then I read some background information about the wall. I remember taking a German history class in college and learning about the construction of the Berlin wall, and wondering how in the world the whole world could stand by and watch the Russians build this abomination.  And now the same thing has happened/is happening in the West Bank. What a wealth of information is on that website! I could spend years just reading it, especially since I have so many gaps in my knowledge of what’s happening there.  I wrote down yet again the times of the Channel 15 show. Hopefully one of these days I’ll see it.  And when other events like this children’s group come into town, could you let me know? I’d love to join you next time!

Thanks again,


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