American Enterprise Institute
Ms Pletka,
I found that your response on CSPAN this Monday morning (8/15) to the lady who called from Canada disingenuous, to say the least.
By your response alone you reveal the very characteristics that this caller was indicating, for it is a common trait by those who support Bush's barely hidden Middle-East agenda to deflect any criticism that suggests that an interest in maintaining Israel's domination of the region might be at the true centre of this Republican administration's phoney attack on Iraq, as 'anti semitic'.
How low can you go ? When people criticize Israel it has nothing to do with religion. However, in creating a monotheistic state like Israel's you are able to make this leap conveniently when the criticism gets too close to home, in essence calling on the holocaust in order to shut up anyone who dares to see things differently.
If that does not insult the memory of those millions who died so horribly and unjustly I don't know what does.The victims of the second world war's atrocities (it was way back in the 1940's , you may recall) are probably turning in their graves and screaming in agony for your trangressions in using their demise as a tool of deception. Building a nation on such quicksand can only have one outcome.
And then you follow this by putting down the whole nation of Canada (my country also) on the basis of one caller. In general I do know that Canadians, like the citizens of many other countries outside the sphere of the U.S. media's cowardly, self interested propaganda and ommissions, have a much less brainwashed view of the true agenda of the U.S.'s propping up the $40 billion a year Israeli State to aid its oil grabbing ,militaristic ,political and Christian fueled religious influence agenda in the region.
Furthermore you rant on about the honorable cause of creating democracy in the Middle East . Do you mean democracies such as Israel's which , despite its deflective public relations withdrawal from Gaza, continues to colonize Palestinian territory ??
It seems to me , if my memory serves me correctly, that the George Bush Republican controlled government attacked Iraq as it claimed they threatened the security of the post 9/11 USA with their non existent WMD's and had absolutely nothing at all to do with 'creating democracy' . That having been revealed as a phoney motive they had to quickly jump tracks and grab another convenient cause celèbre.
The caller had it right on the money as far as I am concerned and has flushed you and AEI out for what you are.
J.Dylan Rivis
Montpelier VT

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