
Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Cagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 19, 2005 2:55:48 PM EDT
Subject: [UFPJ] Joint rally and march on Sept. 24 in Washington, DC

Statement about a joint rally and joint march for September 24.

The two major antiwar coalitions that have initiated and organized for a massive anti-war March on Washington for September 24 have agreed to organize a joint rally followed by a joint march. Both coalitions will organize under their own banners, slogans and with their own literature for the September 24 demonstration. The joint rally will begin at 11:30 am at the Ellipse in the front of the White House. We urge everyone around the country to unite and come out for the largest possible anti-war demonstration on September 24.

Signed by:

United for Peace and Justice

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition              
(on behalf of the September 24 National Coalition)
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