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Stand Up and Be Counted: No to War and Occupation
The George Galloway US Tour
September 13-24:  Boston, New York, Toronto, Madison, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.



BOSTON:  September 13, Faneuil Hall , 6:30pm
Tickets  are $10 and are available through TicketWeb: or by Phone - 1-866-468-7619
 Ask for the George Galloway, MP Tour 



Limited number of tickets will be sold at the door. 
Faneuil Hall is wheelchair accessible.




George Galloway is Respect party Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow in East London.  He recently electrified the United States with his appearance at a Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hearing on May 17, when he turned the proceedings into a condemnation of the war in Iraq. CNN's Wolf Blitzer described Galloway's speech in the Senate as "a blistering attack on US senators rarely heard" in Washington.   A transcript of this speech can be found at,,3-1616578,00.html. 


The devastation of Hurricane Katrina has highlighted the need to rebuild struggle against in the fact of the Government's inaction. 


As Mr. Galloway's statement (attached below) says: "In the most terrible way imaginable they show to the whole world that it is not only the lives of people in Baghdad, Fallujah and Palestine that Bush holds cheap. It is also his own citizens — the black and poor people left behind with no food, water or shelter." 


Galloway's new book is Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington (The New Press) and will be published and timed for national release in bookstores in conjunction with the tour. 


Mr. Galloway will be available to sign books after the event.  


Guest Speakers:
Prof. Naseer Aruri, National Council of Arab Americans
Prof. William Keach, editor, Literature and Revolution




National Tour sponsored by: The New Press, International Socialist Review, Center for Economic Research and Social Change, the National Council of Arab Americans


Boston Co-Sponsors:  Traprock Peace Center




To become a local sponsor or request table space at the event, email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For National Tour information, call Todd Chretien at 510-590-6073 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To arrange interviews with Mr. Galloway, contact Ina Howard at The New Press, 212-564-4406 or email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For a full list of cities and local sponsors, please see the website: 





George Galloway Statement: ‘Katrina shows there are two Americas’

The scenes from the stricken city almost defy belief. Many, many thousands of people left to die in what is the richest, most powerful country on earth.

This obscenity is as far from a natural disaster as George Bush and the US elite are from the suffering masses of New Orleans.

The images of Bush luxuriating at his ranch and of his secretary of state shopping for $7,000 shoes while disaster swamped the US Gulf Coast will haunt this administration.

In the most terrible way imaginable they show to the whole world that it is not only the lives of people in Baghdad, Fallujah and Palestine that Bush holds cheap. It is also his own citizens — the black and poor people left behind with no food, water or shelter.

This is not simply manslaughter through incompetence, though the White House’s incompetence abounds.

It is murder — for Bush was warned four years ago of the threat to New Orleans, as surely as he was warned of the disaster that would come of his war on Iraq.

Yet he plundered the city’s defences to fill the maw of his war machine, and the body count rises at home and abroad.

He has ravaged what little US welfare provision there was to such an extent that virtually the only public institution left is the Pentagon’s repressive apparatus deployed against the people of Iraq and now, as sickeningly, against his own citizens scavenging for fresh water.

His is the America of Halliburton, the M16 rifle, the cluster bomb, the gated communities of the rich and of the billionaires he grew up with in Texas.

There is another America. It is the land of the poor of Louisiana, it is the land of the young men and women economically conscripted into the military.

It is the land of the glorious multiethnic mix that was New Orleans, it is the land of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and of great struggles for justice.

It is to that America that I am travelling next week to begin a national speaking tour.

It is the people of that America, the majority, who will take to the streets of Washington on 24 September to march against the war on Iraq and, we must now add, against the war of rich America against its own citizens.



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