Vermont Says NO to War Conference at the University of Vermont, September 9 & 10
Conference brings Vermont and regional antiwar activists together in the spirit of Cindy Sheehan’s Camp Casey and in preparation for the September 24 national day of protest. 

Schedule of Events:


Keynote speaker
Friday evening, September 9th at 7:30 pm: CC Theater UVM
David Cline, National President of Veterans for Peace  
and on-site supporter of Iraq war mother and protestor Cindy Sheehan
"From Baghdad to New Orleans to Crawford and DC: Resisting Bush's Wars at Home and Abroad"


Plenary Sessions
Saturday morning, September 10th 10 am - 12 pm: CC Theater UVM
"Resisting the War at Home"
Victor Paredes-Military Families Speak Out and brother of conscientious objector Pablo Paredes
Monique Dols-Campus Anti-War Network
Jerry Colby-National Writers Union/US Labor Against War
Joseph Turcotte-Iraq Veterans Against War
Note: registration begins at 9:00 am Saturday morning with bagels, coffee, etc.


Saturday evening, September 10th 7:30 - 9:30 pm: Marsh Life Science Building UVM
"Global Justice Against Empires"
Nilda Medina-Diaz-Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Vieques, Puerto Rico Naval Base protest leader
Dennis Brutus-educator, poet, former South African political prisoner jailed on Robin Island with Nelson Mandela
Krishna Ahooja Patel-International President of Women's International League for Peace & Freedom
Ahmed Shawki-International Socialist Review and author of forthcoming Socialism and Black Liberation
Dave Cline-Vets for Peace
Note: A performance by Bread & Puppet Theater will begin the evening


Saturday afternoon, September 10th 1:30 pm - 5:45 pm: CC Theater UVM
Three workshop blocks (1:30-2:45; 3:00-4:15; 4:30-5:45) including:
(for more detailed information about workshops visit


Boycott The War And Withhold Profits From War Profiteers
Presenters: Dilys Pierson, John Berkowitz


Conscientious Objection
Presenter: Kevin Ramirez


Counter- Recruitment in Vermont
Peace & Justice Center, Veterans for Peace, UVM Students Against War, Johnson State Anti-War Coalition


Depleted Uranium
Presenter: Sunny Miller


Do You Feel a Draft?
Presenters: Campus Anti-war Network


Free Palestine & Fight Anti-Arab Racism
Presenter: Andrew Nelson
Food Politics and Genetic Imperialism: Iraq and Beyond
Presenter: Brian Tokar
Ghettoizing Palestine: Israel's "Separation Wall" and Struggle for Justice in the Middle East
Presenters: S’ra DeSantis, Mark Hage


Grassroots Labor Organizing Against the War
Presenters: Traven Leyshon, Dawn Stanger


Haiti and the SOA: the Struggle Against US Sponsored Terrorism
Presenters: Ashley Smith, Tom Luce, Palmer Legare


Homeland Security Lawsuit/ Patriot Act
Presenter: Mike Cassidy


How To Build An Anti-War Network On Your Campus
Presenters: Campus Anti-war Network


Impeach Bush: Why and How
Presenters: Karl and Trish Novak
In the Shadow of 9-11 and the Bush Doctrine: Reassessing Anarchist Organizing Strategies in North America
Presenter: Cindy Milstein


Lessons of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement
Presenters: Jay Moore, Jude Sargent, Will Allen, Orin Langelle


Out Now! Self Determination for Iraqis
Presenter: Kathleen Brown
Re-Colonization and Resistance: US Foreign Policy in a Left-Leaning Latin America
Presenters: Ben Dangl, Juan Carlos Vallejo, David Palmer, Wanda Colon, Charlotte Dennett, Pete Shear
Resistance Through Music and Spoken Word
Presenter: Laura Simon


Resource Wars: The Origins of US Intervention in the Middle East
Presenter: Charlotte Dennett


Rogue State: The Aims of US Imperialism Today
Presenter: Ashley Smith


Sept. 24th Mobilization for Justice and Peace: Organizing the VT Contingent
Presenters: Joseph Gainza, Debra Stoleroff


Struggle for Vieques
Nilda Medina-Diaz, Wanda Colon


Take Back the Air Guard
Presenters:  Sandy Baird and Hal Cochran


The War at Home: The Return of the Death Penalty to Vermont
Presenters: Marc Estrin, Zephyr Teachout, Nancy Welch, Rachel Lawler


War, Corporate Globalization and the Environment
Presenters: Dennis Brutus, Anne Petermann,  Orin Langelle


Winning the Battle of the Story: Story Based Strategies for Social Change
Presenter: Doyle Canning


Women Organizers
Nilda Medina-Diaz, Wanda Colon, Krishna Ahooja Patel



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