---Please Forward Widely-- 
We Welcome Immigrants, Not the Minutemen!
Demonstrate on the Derby Line
When: Saturday, October 15th 2005
Time: Rally at Noon (activities to continue until Dusk)
Where: The Common Green in Derby Line, Vermont


Call for Carpool and other Info: 
Johnson area 635-6141,
Cabot, St. Jay area 563-3278,  Burlington area 309-4824


Minutemen’s Racist
Attention people of Vermont and Quebec:
Did you know a southern racist vigilante group plans to patrol the Vermont/Quebec border in search of “illegal immigrants”?
It’s true. The Minutemen have been organizing in New England to gain support for their campaign of hate.
The Minuteman Project, formed shortly after 9/11/01, is a volunteer group that patrols the US-Mexico border in an effort to stop undocumented workers. A significant amount of their membership is made up of retired police officers and military personnel, while other positions are filled by aspiring congressmen, members of white supremacist organizations (like the National Alliance), and common folk who are misinformed about the root of the socio-economic ills of the U.S. The Minutemen are looking to recruit in our area, with plans to patrol the U.S./Canada border on October 15 & 16.
Join your neighbors in showing the Minutemen that they are NOT WELCOME HERE!  Bring posters, chants, food, music, literature, friends and family.



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