anna piller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 10:58:43 +0100
From: anna piller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: traveling presenter on Occupied Palestine: Vermont

Dear Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel,
My name is Anna, and I am a 26-year-old Jewish-American Columbia graduate, Fulbright Scholar, and two-time volunteer with the International Women's Peace Service, a human rights organization based in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. I am currently organizing a Spring 2006 tour around the U.S. with a presentation and book on my personal experiences, observations, and photographs from six months documenting human rights violations in the West Bank and working with Palestinians and Israelis active in nonviolent resistance against the Occupation.

Tom Luce suggested that I get in touch with you. I will be coming to Vermont in April 2006 and I am wondering if your group would be interested in hosting, co-sponsoring, publicizing, or just being informed about an event in your area.
The purpose of my presentation is to provide those interested in the Israel/Palestine conflict with critical information and documentation that can be difficult to obtain through mainstream Western media sources, and to encourage dialogue towards taking action on the issue. My hope is that my presentation and book will also offer a thoughtful perspective given my background as the grand-daughter of Polish-born Holocaust survivors. I see it as my responsibility to expose the injustices of today in light of those of the past.

My presentation covers—among other things—checkpoints, settlements, demonstrations, Israeli activism, environmental issues, and the Wall. Please refer to my website for a presentation outline and schedule, as well as samples of my photographs and writing:

Thank you, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you or a group/institution you know are interested in hosting, sponsoring, or publicizing a presentation. I am particularly open to presenting to student groups, but I have more trouble finding them over the Internet. Previous venues have included universities, churches, community centers, book stores, and personal homes. Previous sponsors have included the Jewish Voice for Peace, Global Exchange, the International Solidarity Movement, environmental groups, and various Middle East Peace student and church groups. Local bookstores might also be interested because I will have my new book available for
purchase and signing.

In solidarity,
and peace,


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