
I've lost my Vyatta router (Soekris4801, VC2.1 with community/testing
updates) after upgradiing to VC 2.2. The Soekis was configured for
communitiy/testing and all recent updating went fine. Now 'testing' was
recently promoted to 'main' I decided to go back to 'main' and get in step
with the VC2.2 release.


I've changed the repositry from 'testing' back to 'main' (via web interface)
and logged in as root to do the apt-get etc. (followed the latest
corrections from the list). After a while I got the question to delete a
list of 'old' packages. I answered 'yes' and found out that I ended up with
a clean /boot. That was certainly not what I wanted to achieve... Has it to
do with the fact that I had been running on 'testing' for a while and
changed back to 'main'? Should I answer 'No' when promped to delete 'old'
packages in my case?

Trying to recover from this, I downloaded the VC2.2 CD, booted my laptop
with it and connected the 12 Gb drive from the Soekris via a USB to IDE
adapter to my laptop. I was able to do a system-install to the drive. Via
USB the drive is recognized as sda. I realized that I would have to do a
manual edit to /boot/grub/menu.lst to change references to 'sd' into 'hd',
which I did. I placed the drive back in the Soekris. Unfortunately it still
does not boot into the kernel. It does load grub (I get a 'grub>' prompt)
but there it stops. Is there more to do to change from 'sd' to 'hd' than
just edit menu.lst????

Thanks for any advise!

Egbert Jan

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