Hi Mike,

The vyatta user login credentials are initialized by rtrmgr based on the 
information in the configuration file.  The rtrmgr may have crashed before it 
would have initialized the login credentials.  To test this hypothesis, login 
as root/vyatta, and do 'ps - ef | grep rtrmgr'.

If the rtrmgr did crash, take a look in '/var/log/messages' for its error 
message.  Most likely it did not like something in the configuration file.  If 
you can, please send your configuration file as an attachment, also send 

-- Marat
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: silvertip257 
  To: vyatta-users@mailman.vyatta.com 
  Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 12:15 PM
  Subject: [Vyatta-users] vyatta login

  I know this will seem to be a rather stupid post, but I cannot seem to get 
into my vyatta after booting Live from CD.

  I've got both the VC2 and 2.2 versions on livecd and have not changed a thing 
- I'm booting Live.  My main goal is to use Camarillo ( 2.2) so I'm as 
up-to-date as possible.

  I type "vyatta" and "vyatta" for username and password, respectively.  I get 
Login Incorrect.
  Despite that user, "root" and "vyatta" for username and password work fine. 
  I've watched the screencast on the vyatta site, so I'm not missing anything 
that I need to know.  I also have all the user/help manuals for vyatta, so I 
have resources and did my homework.

  Please help me out, as I've finally eliminated the hardware issues I had 



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