Hi All,

        I have upgraded VC2 to VC3. But when I tried to implement
firewall, all traffic to internet stops. Here is my old and new
firewall configuration:


firewall {
    log-martians: "enable"
    send-redirects: "disable"
    receive-redirects: "disable"
    ip-src-route: "disable"
    broadcast-ping: "disable"
    syn-cookies: "enable"
    name inbound {
        rule 1 {
            protocol: "all"
            state {
                established: "enable"
                related: "enable"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 2 {
            protocol: "tcp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            source {
                address: x.x.x.x
            destination {
                port-name: "ssh"
        rule 3 {
            protocol: "tcp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            source {
                address: x.x.x.x
            destination {
                port-name: "ssh"
        rule 4 {
            protocol: "icmp"
            icmp {
                type: "8"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 5 {
            protocol: "icmp"
            icmp {
                type: "11"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 6 {
            protocol: "udp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            destination {
                port-number: xxx
        rule 7 {
            protocol: "all"
            action: "drop"
            log: "disable"
            source {


firewall {
    log-martians: "enable"
    send-redirects: "disable"
    receive-redirects: "disable"
    ip-src-route: "disable"
    broadcast-ping: "disable"
    syn-cookies: "enable"
    name inbound {
        description: "inbound firewall"
        rule 1 {
            protocol: "tcp"
            state {
                established: "enable"
                related: "enable"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 2 {
            protocol: "tcp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            source {
                address: "x.x.x.x"
            destination {
                port-name ssh
        rule 3 {
            protocol: "tcp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            source {
                address: "x.x.x.x"
            destination {
                port-name ssh
        rule 4 {
            protocol: "icmp"
            icmp {
                type: "8"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 5 {
            protocol: "icmp"
            icmp {
                type: "11"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
        rule 6 {
            protocol: "udp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            destination {
                port-number xxx
        rule 7 {
            protocol: "udp"
            action: "accept"
            log: "disable"
            destination {
                port-number xxx
        rule 8 {
            protocol: "all"
            action: "drop"
            log: "disable"
            source {
                network: ""

I have applied this setting to my interface's firewall as : in and local .
When I try to enable this firewall setting , I can't ping to my ISP
gateway (modem IP) too.
Please tell me what I want to change to implement it on VC3 ?

Thanks in Advance,


Abhilash S
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