Discuss Glendale on this list unless the comments are specifically about how to 
build or hack the system.


-- Dave Roberts

-----Original Message-----
From: "Aubrey Wells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dave Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 1/24/2008 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Vyatta-users] ANN: Glendale Alpha 1 Released

Sweet. Downloading it now to put it through its paces. Should we post  
questions/comments/bugs here or on hackers?

Aubrey Wells
Senior Engineer
Shelton | Johns Technology Group
A Vyatta Ready Partner

On Jan 24, 2008, at 7:33 PM, Dave Roberts wrote:

> As many of you know, the Vyatta development team has been working  
> hard on
> the next major Vyatta release, code named Glendale. Glendale  
> represents a
> *HUGE* step forward on a number of fronts. Because of this, Vyatta has
> committed to making early previews available to the Vyatta Community  
> so that
> you can get comfortable with the new features and provide feedback  
> on the
> functionality and stability of the system.
> =====================
> Today, I'm pleased to announce that Glendale Alpha 1 has been made  
> available
> for download from the Vyatta web site:
> http://www.vyatta.com/download/
> Release notes and documentation for Alpha 1 are available on the  
> Vyatta
> Community Wiki:
> http://www.vyatta.com/twiki/bin/view/Community/GlendaleAlpha1
> Currently, the documentation is going through rapid development and  
> has been
> released as separate chapters. As new chapters are written or  
> previously
> released chapters are updated, they will be uploaded to the  
> Community Wiki.
> If you find issues with the documentation, please report them to the
> vyatta-users mailing list.
> ===============
> This is ***ALPHA*** software. It is not yet feature complete or fully
> stable. Because of this, it is not suitable for production networks.  
> If you
> use it in your production network, it will lose your packets,  
> corrupt your
> data, and make your hair fall out. Be warned.
> Anybody even contemplating testing Alpha 1 should be sure to read  
> the rest
> of this announcement and the release notes very carefully. There are a
> number of changes to the system.
> All that said, we want you to test it like crazy, so don't be shy.
> =================
> The release notes have some more information, but here is a  
> description of
> some of the major changes in the system:
> * Glendale has touched just about every subsystem in some way. In some
> cases, the changes are relatively minor. In others, they represent a  
> radical
> departure. Because of the global changes, Glendale does not attempt  
> to keep
> backward compatibility with previous configuration files. If you  
> want to
> upgrade a system to Glendale, save off the configuration first and  
> then
> translate the configuration by hand to the new syntax.
> * Glendale Alpha 1 is distributed in ISO format only. There are  
> currently no
> package repositories for the system and future preview releases  
> (Alpha 2 and
> Beta) will be distributed in a similar fashion.
> * Glendale has a completely new command line interface infrastructure,
> called FusionCLI. FusionCLI is based on an extended version of bash  
> with
> access to Vyatta-specific commands and syntax, effectively fusing  
> together
> management functionality at the CLI level and eliminating the separate
> Vyatta shell. FusionCLI has a role-based user account system.  
> Depending on
> the user role, the user may be able to execute standard Linux  
> commands from
> the FusionCLI prompt. Further, the system is scriptable with a  
> combination
> of bash scripting and Vyatta-specific commands. Once you play with  
> this for
> a while, you'll begin to realize the power this affords  
> administrators. The
> release notes have more information about this functionality. In  
> particular,
> there are changes to the online '?'-help system that you should be  
> aware of.
> * Glendale has completely revamped the routing subsystem. If you were
> struggling with routing protocol issues previously, there is a very  
> good
> chance that your issues are gone. In particular, scalability and  
> stability
> are greatly improved and the feature set has been expanded  
> tremendously.
> * Along with the routing subsystem, the policy subsystem is completely
> different. It should now handle more complex policy configurations and
> operate closer to the way you would expect.
> * The VRRP subsystem has been revamped. We now support multiple VRRP  
> groups
> on a single interface, eliminating a common issue with the previous  
> implementation.
> * DHCP client is now supported. This will make it easier for people
> connecting to broadband networks that do not provide static addressing
> (commonly DSL and cable networks).
> * Many other existing subsystems have been touched to fix bugs or  
> provide
> minor enhancements.
> Implemented but not documented:
> -------------------------------
> There are several new features that have been implemented, but do  
> not yet
> have documentation. If you're adventurous you can use the CLI help  
> to try
> them out. Look for documentation to arrive over the coming weeks.
> * GRE and IP-in-IP tunnels are supported. These features are located  
> under
> the interfaces/tunnel hierarchy.
> * L2TP+IPsec and PPTP client VPNs. These features are located under  
> the vpn
> hierarchy. These protocols are compatible with the standard  
> Microsoft and
> Mac OS X clients. Instructions for configuring the client side of  
> things can
> be found on the Microsoft and Apple web sites. Linux clients are also
> available for these protocols from various Internet download sites.
> Coming features that are not yet implemented or released:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> * QoS: This will provide access to the Linux tc subsystem in a  
> relatively
> easy-to-use fashion.
> * WAN Load Balancing: This feature will allow people to use two or  
> more
> low-priced broadband connections, possibly from different service  
> providers,
> and load balance outbound traffic between them. This can improve the
> connectivity of a site without having to employ complex BGP multi- 
> homing
> scenarios.
> * PPPoE: This will help people with DSL connections.
> * New installer: Currently, the Alpha 1 release uses a variant of the
> previous Vyatta install-system script. The final Glendale release  
> will use a
> new, more sophisticated installer based on the current Debian  
> installer.
> =========================
> It should be noted that with the Glendale final release (not  
> necessarily in
> Alpha 1), many of the Top Enhancement Requests on the Vyatta  
> Community wiki
> will have been addressed.
> http://www.vyatta.com/twiki/bin/view/Community/TopEnhancements
> On the Top 5 Enhancement Request list:
> #1: DHCP client: Implemented in Alpha 1
> #2: QoS
> #3: VPN will be significantly improved with the addition of VPN  
> client:
> Implemented in Alpha 1
> #5: PPPoE
> On the General Enhancement Requests list:
> #2: Bandwidth policing: Depending on how you read this one, the QoS  
> feature
> set may give you what you want. Inbound policing won't be  
> implmented, but
> you will be able to set bandwidth caps on particular traffic types  
> on the
> outbound to prevent bulk traffic from swamping higher priority  
> traffic on a
> skinny WAN interface, for instance.
> #17: 4-byte ASN: Implemented in Alpha 1
> #34: GRE tunnels: Implemented in Alpha 1
> We do review the Top Enhancement requests list and take it  
> seriously. If you
> would like to suggest a new feature or vote for existing  
> suggestions, please
> do so on the wiki.
> =========================
> As I said at the start of this note, Glendale represents significant  
> changes
> and a lot of work on the part of the development team. In order to
> facilitate additional testing and feedback from the Vyatta  
> Community, we'll
> be making other preview releases available according to the following
> (rough) schedule:
>   * Alpha 1 - January 2008
>   * Alpha 2 - February 2008
>   * Beta - March 2008
>   * VC4 Release - April 2008
> All of these releases will be announced on the vyatta-users mailing  
> list,
> with the final release also announced to vyatta-announce.
> ===========
> The Vyatta Community now spans every continent and just about every  
> country
> on earth. Thanks for being a part of it. We need your help and  
> feedback to
> make Glendale the best Vyatta release yet. In particular, there can  
> never be
> enough testing of the system, so we encourage people to try it out and
> report back your experiences, whether good or bad. If you find that  
> things
> are performing well, feel free to cautiously deploy it in real  
> networks,
> always keeping in mind the caveat that this is still pre-release,  
> Alpha or
> Beta software.
> Cheers,
> -- Dave Roberts
> Vyatta Cruise Director
> _______________________________________________
> Vyatta-users mailing list
> Vyatta-users@mailman.vyatta.com
> http://mailman.vyatta.com/mailman/listinfo/vyatta-users

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