> I posted a thread a month ago about getting the   equivalent  jdocs  
> for vyatta, have anybody from the  Vyatta team approached 
> Oreiley in just getting a  book produced? A paper back 
> edition  crafted by  them, would do wonders in promoting  
> vyatta to the networking  community.
> next , does vyatta plan on getting  a mascot of some sort? We 
> have a devil for BSD, Penguin for Linux, Cisco has the  silly 
> bridge,  and Juniper the leaf.
> Is the vyatta logo or mascot really just the  Circle  that's 
> found on the main website banner? and can somebody explain 
> this ? I remember seeing something somewhere  that it 
> indicates open-source.

Excellent questions!

1. On getting an O'Reilly book published, yep, I think that time has come.
We had a couple of people say that they were interested in writing books
about Vyatta, but it was early on and I think people decided to hold off a
bit. To be honest, before Glendale, I don't think it would have been worth
it. There was so much functionality changing all the time and it would
have all broken with the new CLI (witness the work being done by Vyatta on
the docs, for instance). But, I think now would be a great time to start
on that stuff.

2. On a mascot, we have talked about that in the past. It's probably time
to run a contest for that. ;-) Frankly, the best ideas come from the
community. We do have some artistic talent available to us that could help
refine a raw idea, so I think everybody could participate in a competition
for suggestions without having to be an artist.

3. The Vyatta logo is a stylized eclipse, the meaning of which can be
found here:
But I'll admit that it lacks the cuddly nature of a penguin or a little

-- Dave

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