I have been following the the development of Vyatta over the course of
about the past year and have been really excited to see it progress.
As a Network Engineer for that last 7 years I have been brought up on
IOS and over the past 2 years or so I have been learning JunOS.

Initially with previous Vyatta releases I was very excited to see the
JunOS like XORP engine being used along with it's powerful policies,
elegant configurations solutions, and overall ease of use.

After reading the release notes for Glendale (VC4 Alpha 2) I was very
excited about the new features and loaded it up in a VMWare as soon as
I could.   Lets just say I was more than disappointed once it loaded

1) The new vbash interface.   I love the fact that there is a UNIX
interface to my routers (even newer versions of IOS can do this and
JunOS has it out of the box).  Being able to do some lower level
troubleshooting via a csh/bash/sh/etc CLI is invaluable.  That being
said there is no reason I need to combine my Unix CLI with my
Router/Configuation CLI.   I see this as a very very poor design
decision and it will only attract to Unix admins turned Network
admins.  Vyatta will have a hard time being a serious competitor to
Juniper, Cisco and the others.

Going forward I would like to see vbash and a traditional both
interface be supported, although as stated in my next point this may
no longer be possible with the move to Quagga and away from xorpsh

2) Quagga?!?   What happened to my elegant OSPF configuration?  What
happened to my wonderful and simplistic BGP configuration.  Now i have
a rehash of IOS (via Quagga) for configuring my routing protocols.
JunOS/XORP routing policy was so elegant and now I am stuck with
1980's route-maps, community-lists and access-lists.   Cisco still
uses these for one reason:  It's legacy code.   Vyatta is a brand new
router from the ground up.  There is no need to go backwards.

Also from a architectural stand point XORP has a great design base.  I
am very sad to see it go.   I would like to know if there was any
other reason from going away from a XORP base to Quagga besides quick
turn around on features (and loose some great, features in the

I also don't know if completely switching gears at this point in the
game is wise.  If you want a IOS like router you should of started

There are some great things I have to say about Glendale as well:

The RBAC is a great for a team supporting the routers.
The other OSS projects you are able to incorperate into the systems
(Remote VPN, wanpipe, etc)

Although I know you will take this email seriously, I know you have
already gone down a path I don't 100% approve of.  So now I am going
back to my proprietary Juniper and Cisco routers and wait for the day
for another FOSS router to come out again.

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