That depends on your provider.  You will have to contact your provider
to see how they can deliver and what they can deliver. But basically you
get a demarc and you are required to extend or have them extend it to
the   network interface.


I personally would not look at a  legacy T3 or OC12 as  far as that
goes. You can  get more with a FE or GIGE  access. I would suggest you
look around for a provider that   provides or resell  MetroE  deliveries
or provides native Ethernet handoffs. 


Here in  BellSouth for example,  I can get either  copper access
100baseT or   optical ( upto 1GIGE). I  would also suspect in the near
future once they  receive the  demands for   10GIGE, 10GIGE optical will
be common.


To give you come comparison;


A 100meg FE is like 2.1 times more than a DS3

A 1000baseT is nearly 1.6 times more a OC12.


Also keep in mind, why  Ethernet is more advantageous; you don't need
any  expensive  WAN cards and way easier to troubleshoot.


Hopes this helps.

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