Are you recycling an old virtual disk, or using a newly created one? If its a recycled disk, you may need to delete any partitions by hand with fdisk. If its a new disk, you might want to try changing the hard disk type to IDE rather than SCSI (assuming you're not on ESX)

Aubrey Wells
Senior Engineer
Shelton | Johns Technology Group
A Vyatta Ready Partner

On Feb 28, 2008, at 6:05 PM, Paco Alcantara wrote:

Some problems when trying Alpha 2

1.- Error when trying "install-system" to install Alpha2 in a hard disk (I
am using VMWare environment).

Basically, the equipment ask me to perform a mount. When I say "no" the process finishes; when I say "yes" it tells me something like "Mounting error" and the process finishes.

2.- I am looking for PPPoE commands are I cannot find them. Any help??

Well I have seen the commands in the documentation but when I try to configure the interface

"set interfaces ethernet eth0 " the next item that could be "pppoe" is not available. Where is my error??


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