
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Taras<ta...@securityaudit.ru> wrote:
> Andres,
>> >  * More convenient History navigation and presentation - in progress 
>> > (Let's moving from hacker's search with SQL syntax to more convenient 
>> > search by URL in main text entry + hidden advanced options bar for options 
>> > (e.g "code = 404" and "id>5") like in Google.)
>> I'm trying to understand this, as far as I can see without reading the
>> code, the advanced part will be like a wizard for the user to create a
>> new search string, right?
> 1. There will be no any wizards =). See screenshot [0]
> 2. By default advanced search options will be hidden and will showed after 
> "Advanced" button will be clicked
> 3. Main search entry will ne search only by URL - because it is most common 
> task
> [0] http://picasaweb.google.ru/lh/photo/lvLn5jKcrQyG-FzibaH8JA?feat=directlink

Is this feature 100% completed?

> --
> Taras
> ----
> "Software is like sex: it's better when it's free." - Linus Torvalds

Andrés Riancho
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