Hello Andres,
<     Could you please point me to the incompatible licenses? Which
< libraries have them?
1) Main concern for Fedora legal review sofar was about possible
incompatibilities in GPLv2 to LGPLv3.
W3AF as whole is released under GPLv2 license.
It contains modules or portions of code from LGPLv3 (xdot.py, python-ntlm),
which seems incompatible according the matrix from

I have attached overview with copyrights used in w3af which I was able to find 

2) Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
Creative commons has not approved any other license to be as free as this 
so I assume it is not possible to deliver it with GPLv2 software - sure I might 
be wrong:

Files under this license:

3) there are files without license/copyright
- formally default copyright rules given by local legislation might be 
applicable and different country by country
- Some python code doesn't have copyright/license text (for example 
w3af_console w3af_gui, ./core/controllers/vdaemon/dump.py, 
- Scripts in scripts/*.w3af
- Bundled profiles in profiles/*.pw3af
- Additional data like: ./plugins/output/htmlFile/style.css
- Google hacking database ./plugins/discovery/ghdb/GHDB.xml
- ./plugins/discovery/ria_enumerator/common_filenames.db
- ./plugins/attack/payloads/webshell/webshell.php
- ./core/controllers/bruteforce/passwords.txt
- ./core/controllers/bruteforce/users.txt
- ./core/controllers/vdaemon/*.asm
- ./locales/*

4) Files with complicated license
- ./plugins/discovery/pykto/scan_database.db - CIRT - This file may not be 
re-used and is not licensed under the GPL.

<     Luciano worked a lot with the licenses in order to make everything
< work in Debian. I'm sure he did an excellent work because he bugged me
Sure he did great job. His notes in the debian package inspired me to do the 
review for Fedora, when I was trying to create rpm package.

Best regards
Michal Ambroz

< ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
< Od: Andres Riancho <andres.rian...@gmail.com>
< Předmět: Re: [W3af-develop] W3AF licenses
< Datum: 06.4.2010 21:18:58
< ----------------------------------------
< Michal,
< On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Michal Ambroz <re...@seznam.cz> wrote:
< > Dear developers,
< > I am contacting you regarding the license concerns about the w3af tarball
< distributed
< > by the project.
< >
< > I am trying to create the package of w3af  for Fedora:
< > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=579428
< >
< > As part of the review I have asked for the legal suitability of the package
< for Fedora.
< > It was pointed out by Tom "spot" Callaway that there might be some legal
< complications
< > regarding bundling of incompatible licenses (GPLv2 / GPLv3) together.
< > http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/legal/2010-April/001213.html
<     Could you please point me to the incompatible licenses? Which
< libraries have them?
< > Please I would like to ask you how this issue is dealt with in the packages 
< other
< > distributions?
< >
< > Do you have some agreements with the authors of upstream projects which code
< > was used as libraries / plugins ?
<     No,
< > Has somebody raised concern about bundling the w3af distribution tarball 
< > code with possibly incompatible licenses?
<     Luciano worked a lot with the licenses in order to make everything
< work in Debian. I'm sure he did an excellent work because he bugged me
< during 15 days about it ;) and at the end we were able to have a
< working w3af package in APT. I wouldn't mind working together with you
< to clarify all the possible issues that you are finding.
< Regards,
< > Thank you
< > Michal Ambroz
< >
< >
< >
< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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< > _______________________________________________
< > W3af-develop mailing list
< > W3af-develop@lists.sourceforge.net
< > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/w3af-develop
< >
< --
< Andrés Riancho
< Founder, Bonsai - Information Security
< http://www.bonsai-sec.com/
< http://w3af.sf.net/
W3AF tarball package was downloaded from http://w3af.sourceforge.net/
  Copyright:    2007-2010 Andres Riancho

It contains code/modules from these other projects:     

  Files:        extlib/jsonpy/*
  Copyright:    patrickdlo...@stardecisions.com
  HomePage:     http://sourceforge.net/projects/json-py/
  License:      LGPLv2.1+

  Files:        core/data/url/handlers/HTTPNtlmAuthHandler.py extlib/ntlm
  Copyright:    Matthijs.Mullender
  HomePage:     http://code.google.com/p/python-ntlm/
  License:      LGPLv3+

  Files:        extlib/cluster/*
  Copyright:    Michel Albert
  HomePage:     http://python-cluster.sourceforge.net/
  License:      LGPLv2.1+

  Files:        plugins/discovery/oHalberd/*
  Copyright:    2008 Juan M. Bello Rivas
  HomePage:     http://halberd.superadditive.com/
  License:      GPLv2+

  Files:        plugins/discovery/oHmap/*
  Copyright:    2003 Dustin Lee
  HomePage:     http://ujeni.murkyroc.com/hmap/
  License:      GPLv2+

  Files:        core/ui/gtkUi/comparator/diffutil.py
  Copyright:    2002-2006 Stephen Kennedy <ste...@gnome.org>
  HomePage:     http://meld.sourceforge.net/
  License:      GPLv2+

Natural Language Toolkit (nltk)
  Files:        extlib/nltk/*
  Copyright:    2001-2009 NLTK Project
  HomePage:     http://www.nltk.org 
  License:      GPLv2+

  Files:        extlib/nltk/nltk_data/corpora/wordnet
  Copyright:    Copyright 2006 by Princeton University
  HomePage:     http://wordnet.princeton.edu/
  License:      WordNet 3.0 (BSD style)

  Files:        core/ui/gtkUi/pluginEditor.py
  Copyright:    1998 James Henstridge, 2004 John Finlay
  License:      GPLv2+

  Files:        plugins/attack/db/*
  Copyright:    2008 Daniele Bellucci
                2008 Bernardo Damele
  HomePage:     http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/
  License:      GPLv2

  Files:        extlib/xdot/xdot.py
  Copyright:    2008 Jose.R.Fonseca
  HomePage:     http://code.google.com/p/jrfonseca/wiki/XDot
  License:      LGPLv3+

  Files:        plugins/discovery/phishtank/index.xml
  Copyright:    2006 OpenDNS, LLC
  License:      This data is free. It may be used in commercial products or 
non-commercial products, by organizations or individuals.

  Files:        ./plugins/discovery/ghdb/GHDB.xml
  Copyright:    Johnny Long + others???
  HomePage:     http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/xml/schema.xml
  License:      ???

  Files:        core/data/url/xUrllib.py
  Copyright:    2003 Trustix AS, 2004 Tor Hveem, 2004 Omar Kilani for tinysofa
  HomePage:     http://swup.trustix.org/
  License:      ??? free, but I am not able to find

  Files:        core/data/url/handlers/keepalive.py
  Copyright:    2002-2004 Michael D. Stenner, Ryan Tomayko
  HomePage:     http://urlgrabber.baseurl.org/
  License:      LGPLv2.1+

  Files:        extlib/scapy/*
  Copyright:    2003  Philippe Biondi
  HomePage:     http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/ 
  License:      GPLv2

  Files:        extlib/SOAPpy
  Copyright:    Pfizer, Cayce Ullman, Brian Matthews
  HomePage:     http://pywebsvcs.sourceforge.net/
  License:      BSD type, LBNLCopyright

  Files:        extlib/pygoogle
  Copyright:    2004 Mark Pilgrim
  HomePage:     http://pygoogle.sourceforge.net/
  License:      Python
  Files:        extlib/pyPdf
  Copyright:    2006, Mathieu Fenniak
  HomePage:     http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/
  License:      BSD Type

TIGER from TreeAligner Project
  Files:        extlib/nltk_contrib/tiger
  Copyright:    2007-2008 Stockholm TreeAligner Project
  HomePage:     http://kitt.cl.uzh.ch/kitt/treealigner
  License:      GPLv2

  Files:        extlib/BeautifulSoup.py
  Copyright:    2004-2007 Leonard Richardson
  HomePage:     http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
  License:      PSF

Without license:
find ./ -name "*.py" -type f | \
        while read FILE ; do
                grep -i "copyright" > /dev/null
                if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
                    echo $FILE

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