On 02/08/2011 07:07 PM, Andres Riancho wrote:
> Steve,
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Steve Pinkham <steve.pink...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 02/03/2011 12:04 PM, Andres Riancho wrote:
>>> Do we know about any noSQL database that's "file based" like sqlite?
>>> Maybe we could use this small rewrite to compare the performance of
>>> those backends.
>>> Regards,
>> I'm somewhat at a loss of what you think "noSQL" will buy you.  It's
>> useful in distributed, massively parallel systems, but offers no real
>> benefit for single user databases.
> I disagree. I've seen how sqlite3's performance impacted in the
> framework's performance before mainly because of its slow access
> (SELECT). For what I can understand from the noSQL databases, the
> access to any row should be ultra fast, even if we save whole HTTP
> requests and responses to it.

noSQL servers are usually fast because they are in-memory systems.
sqlite can be used in that mode also if you like.

If select is your problem, you're probably not indexing properly or your
selects are waiting on writes.  Both are fixable.

That said, if all you ever want is a key value store and you never see
yourself use any more complicated searches than that, maybe a key value
store is for you.

Otherwise writing better selects and tuning your indexing is probably a
bigger win.

I haven't looked at what you're using the database for or how you have
it tuned yet, but I'll try to soon.

>> Here's one set of benchmarks.  For low number of records, BDB was
>> faster, for number of high records sqlite was faster.  Both should be
>> fast enough.  You shouldn't need transactional capabilities where sqlite
>> was the slowest.
>> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=KeyValueDatabase
> What I read from this performance test is: "BDB is faster in 90% of
> the cases. In the cases where BDB is faster, its ~50% faster in
> average".

What I see is if you're making more than 100,000 selects/second in a web
app scanner you seriously screwed up somewhere and need to be caching
more.  Being 2x or 10x faster will still lose to better design.
 | Steven Pinkham, Security Consultant    |
 | http://www.mavensecurity.com           |
 | GPG public key ID CD31CAFB             |

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