
If you're sick of latter-day aristocrat Rep. Mark Udall, please consider voting for my longtime friend Joe Calhoun. Joe works on the railroad, fixing rails. He shared in an Academy Award for the documentary "The Panama Deception" which he did research for. You can see his Rocky Mtn. News profile at:

Mark is a repeat supporter of the Iraq war and takes money from Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. You can read a humorous story, featuring his upstanding brother and mother, showing what he thinks of democracy and how he treats people (like me) who promote it, at:

Don't worry about throwing the election to his Republican opponent -Rich Mancuso- who's hardly a serious candidate, and hasn't even bothered to give the News his profile.


Evan Ravitz          303 440 6838           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vote to Ratify the National Initiative at
Photo Adventures:               
Gates of Paradise Trips         

   "Fool's gold exists because there is real gold." -Rumi

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