It's really amazing to me to see an economist speaking at Google
making many of the points that we made about globalization. More
amazing that is paying such close attention to them. I
highly recommend watching his lecture. It's been like 42 minutes and
25 seconds of affirmation.

I heard a recording of a panel discussion on a few
weeks ago about the effects of September 11th on the
anti-globalization movement. One point of view presented, that I agree
with, was that the anti-globalization movement (and I very much
consider WAAKE-UP! to have been a part of it) wasn't flexible enough
to adapt to the post-911 political climate which caused the "death" of
the anti-globalization movement (at least as it existed in the mid to
late 90s and early part of this century). A lot of people saw this as
a "loss."

But I know that Joseph Stiglitz lecturing on this topic 2006 wouldn't
have happened without Seattle in 1999. Like Michael Albert says, don't
snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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