My letter in today's Boulder Daily Camera

We didn't get war we deserved

The recent letter "We got the war that we deserved" epitomizes blaming the victim (Open Forum, Jan. 20). You'd think we had government by the people, and that we wanted the Iraq war!

I remember clearly that at one point before the war, 72 percent of Americans didn't want to invade without U.N. support. Millions marched against the war before it started. You can hardly find anyone, except the president's cronies, who support his current intention of more of the same.

Many astute observers including Molly Ivins, Noam Chomsky and George Gallup Sr., founder of the Gallup Polls, have noted for decades that the public is way ahead of Congress.

If you think that government by the people might be a good idea, consider attending a University of Colorado Law School Conference, "The Voice of the Crowd: Colorado's Initiative," which will take place Jan. 26 at the state Capitol. It will feature a discussion of improvements to the initiative process and will include speakers Ben Barber, author of "Strong Democracy," and former U.S. Sen. Mike Gravel, leading proponent of the National Initiative for Democracy. Mike was the guy who, in 1971, read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record and filibustered until it was agreed to wind down the Vietnam draft.

Find more at May the force be with "We the People." Otherwise this country and planet are toast.


The Camera now allows comments on letters. You can see all today's letters and the entertaining comments at:


Evan Ravitz          303 440 6838           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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