On 29/12/14 17:07, Dylan Baker wrote:
On Monday, December 29, 2014 11:35:20 AM Jose Fonseca wrote:
On 22/12/14 22:36, Dylan Baker wrote:
This adds the locations of the package files to the registry on windows,
which should allow them to be auto detected by cmake on windows when
linking against waffle in other projects.

Signed-off-by: Dylan Baker <dylanx.c.ba...@intel.com>

This patch is completely untested (I don't have access to a windows
development machine, nor do I want to maintain one), I've sent this as a
courtesy to windows users, and hopefully it can point an interested part
in the correct direction.

Note that this installs into the local machine registry, and there is
also the option of using local user registry instead, and that can be
done by changing waffle to use export(), though I'm not exactly sure how
that works either

   CMakeLists.txt | 10 ++++++++++
   1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 729ebc1..0ac2d4b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -182,6 +182,16 @@ install(
       COMPONENT Devel

+# If running on windows add waffle to the registry so it can be auto detected
+# by consuming projects
+if (WIN32)

This will break cross-compiling from Linux to Windows (via MinGW),
because "WIN32" is true.

Replacing it with


should do the trick.

+    execute_process(
+        COMMAND "REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Kitware\CMake\Packages\Waffle 
/v Waffle-1 /t REG_SZ /d ${ConfigPackageLocation} /f"

I suspect this will fail when there are spaces in the path (e.g., when
waffle is in "C:\Program Files\..."

+        ERROR_QUIET
+    )
+endif ()

Also I believe execute_process() will execute the command when
configuring -- not when building --, or even better, not when installing.

I'm not sure this is a great idea overall.  Are any other packages doing
anything like this?  It all seems very non-standard, so I wonder if this
will really simplify things or be too surprising.

I can't say whether it is a good idea or not, it's suggested by the
cmake documentation as the "right" way to do things on windows. I don't
have a strong opinion either way, and, like you, I doubt this works
correctly in it's current form. I provided mostly as a way to say "hey,
you can do this if you want", but I no problem dropping it.

Thanks. I actually forgot to say in my reply that I appreciate you taking the time and energy to looking into this.

If CMake documentation recommends, then it might be possible to find a more comprehensive example in some open source project that does this, that we can use as reference. I confess I never came across one, but my sampling universe is limited.

http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Package_Registry explains some of this, but doesn't actually explain how to set. My guess is that the registry key is typically set by full-blown Windows pakcages installers like Windows Installer or NSIS, but we don't use them here.

We could though, as cpack supports NSIS -- http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackPackageGenerators#NSIS --, so we could produce a NSIS installer for waffle, which would set the registry key enabling waffle consumers to automatically pick up the right locations.

In short, I think there might be some merit in this idea, but there a few open issues. In the meanwhile we should hold on.

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