Dear WAMUGgers

I've just spent the last few hours composing a website for our intrepid GMUG community, the Geraldton Macintosh User Group. Have a look at

It has photos of recent GMUG activities, invitations to you for our inaugural GMUG Computer Showcase 2001 at the Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, and a file download page. Other pages will be added as time goes by. It has certainly been a learning experience using iTools and an iDisk.

[Note, if you omit the 1 (gmug1) from the address it takes you to some other GMUG mob, not us. I'm not sure who they are, although I know a Gay MUG exists in the US!]

I'd appreciate some feedback on the page. Note that the Showcase stuff has been included specifically to offer invitation to all WAMUG and SMUG members and Apple related exhibitors to come up and join in the fun at our Showcase.


Reg Whitely
GMUG List Moderator