Here's a thought -

Not all that long ago I found myself mucking about with a Geoport Pod on a
PM 7300/200. It was great because using the MegaPhone software I could make
calls using the external Microphone and the Geoport Pod. Sure, the quality
wasn't all that great - (I had reports that it sounded like I was making the
phone call from a toilet) but it was damn fun. :)

Now I have a PowerBook G4, with an internal microphone and Airport wireless

Is there some possibility that (possibly using Voice over IP) I could dial
up a friend and speak to him via the PowerBook? Even if I couldn't do it
wireless, could I plug in a phone line into the internal modem and do the

Just a thought.

Darren Kam
Multimedia & Graphic Designer
J-Corp Pty Ltd (Pentactics Division)
Ph: +61 8 9231 4643
Mob: 0411 242 591