Hi folks ..... HELP !!

I have am iMac 266 with OS 9.1. Yesterday I installed OS 10.1 which so far I
think is great.
However I seem to have missed entering something, which means I now cannot
connect to the internet.

When IE tries to connect the message is "The specified server could not be
When Mail tries to connect the message is "Fetch Error - couldn't connect to
POP host named mail.smartchat.net.au".
When Internet Connect tries to connect the message is "No dial tone
detected, please check phone line connection & try again". I can hear the
tone for about 3 to 4 seconds then it stops.
When Outlook Express to connect the message is "The domain name servers are
not responding".

I have spent about 2 hours trying all I can think of, but so far without a
result. I may have missed writing down some of the details from Remote
Access in 9.1. I notice I have nothing in Proxies in the Network area, and I
thought it had something like "proxy.connect.com.au" and 8080. I have even
tried selecting the V34 internal modem instaed of the V90. Our Windows IT
man here at work thinks it's a modem driver problem, but how could that be ?

Any ideas before I call in the troops ??????

Stephen Chape
CPS Hardware Co-operative
Phone 08 9352 4733 Fax 08 9352 4740