At 2:52 AM -0800 10/1/02, Kevin Phyland wrote:
1. Is there any special format that MP3s have to be in to be identified by "commercial" DVD/MP3 players (i.e. I suspect non-Mac formats) :((

While I don't have the luxury of owning a DVD player capable of playing back MP3's I can offer the following ideas:

- when you burn a CD, burn it as an ISO9660 formatted CD. Don't burn it as a Macintosh formatted HFS or HFS+ CD. Use Roxio's Toast ( for this.

- make sure you name all your MP3 files to end with the .mp3 file extension.

While this is just a guess, it's probably close to being right. I don't think Apple's in-built CD authoring software lets you burn a ISO9660 CD.

Good luck,
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