Good morning.

I have had some unusual problems with Disc Burner in the past, and have
opted to use Toast instead. This is fine, but Disk Burner is far quicker to
use when trying to back things up in a hurry. I would like to use Disc
Burner, but I am worried about the problems it caused me in the past, and
was wondering if anyone could give me a few suggestions.

Specs: I am running OS9.2 (at the time of the problems it was 9.1) on a G4
466 with 384MB Ram.

Problems: When I installed Disc Burner nothing seemed to work properly. My
machine kept crashing for no apparent reason, I had all sorts of memory
problems- I no longer had enough memory to run any of my applications, no
matter how many times I reallocated memory, I didn't have enough space on my
hard drive to save anything, no matter how small, when I had 25Gig spare. I
didn't even have enough RAM to run the Apple Help Centre. Basically I
couldn't use my computer.

In attempting to fix the problem I did a clean reinstall of my OS, which
didn't help, so I erased everything and reinstalled my OS once again. It was
all fine. I reinstalled Disc Burner, and tee problems started up
immediately, seeing as I had not installed anything other than Disc Burner I
thought that it couldn't be a conflict in software. I tried a clean
reinstall again, failed, so I erased my hard drive and reinstalled the OS

I went into an Apple shop and got the staff there to give me a copy of Disc
Burner on CD, to see if I had downloaded a corrupted file, but the same
thing happened again. After somebody suggested that it could be my burner
that was faulty, and that installing software to make the computer recognise
it showed up the faults I started from scratch again and just installed
Toast. It worked fine, so I ruled out that theory.

Later on down the track I tried to get Disc Burner installed and working,
but had the same problems come up. I went through all my extensions,
disabling some to see if there was a conflict there, but the problems
remained. I had tried everything that I could think of when for some odd
reason I decided to play with my network settings. I went through, named the
computer and so on, then the problems were gone.

I have had no real problems since, it is just that with networking turned on
it takes quite a while to boot up, and is probably running slower than it
would without. I have a reasonable period to wait when I try to wake it up
from sleep. This is not a problem really, it is just that I think it should
be running better, and I don't understand why the network settings made a
difference with the burner at all.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the longwinded email.

Kelly Duffy- One very confused Mac user.