After suggestions from members, here is my first attempt at some posting guidelines. The subject reads: RFC, that means "Request for Comment", so please feel free to comment.

When posting a new message, ensure that:

1. It has a useful subject.
2. You have attempted to resolve the problem yourself.
3. You have searched the message archive for a similar problem.
4. You have searched the web for a similar problem.
5. You spell checked your message.
6. It is good practice to include System Information where relevant.
7. It is good practice to show unsuccessful attempts at resolution.

When responding to a message, ensure that:

1. You quote appropriate parts of the message.
2. You attribute the quotes correctly.
3. You put your response *below* the quoted part.
4. You only respond to the list - unless specifically asked otherwise.
5. Your response will be helpful to a future user who searches the archive.
6. If you don't *know*, then say that you're guessing.
7. If you're not sure, then say that you think so.
8. If your response is really a new post, adjust the Subject accordingly.

Things to assist you:

RFC 1855, Netiquette Guidelines

Mailing List Archive

Web search engine

Apple Info Library

Apple Info Archive

Version Tracker
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|>>?      ..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze - ABN: 56 178 057 063 - ph: 04 1219 8888 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]