Make sure the Mac's TCP/IP settings are set to ethernet, and give it an IP
of say Then set your windows box to have an IP of say Once you've connected the two together with the crossover
cable, open up the command window on the PC and type in "ping"
to see if the connection is there.

You might want to try using FTP instead of any other file transferring
protocol. (It's pretty much just another way of transferring files) Maxum's
( Rumpus Pro is available as a 30-day demo, and is an FTP
server that can run under the classic Mac OS (ie Mac OS 9.x.x) - and now it
also runs under Mac OS X. Using an FTP client program (WSFTP_LE for the PC,
or Fetch/Interarchy for the Mac), connect to the FTP server by using it's IP

However, if you are using Mac OS X you can use it's in-built ftp server or
SMB sharing. SMB basically lets you talk to Windows boxes directly from the
Mac, mounting a shared PC folder as a hard drive icon on your desktop. If
you are running Mac OS X let us know so we can point you towards guides to
setting up FTP/SMB sharing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Davison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 6 February 2002 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Mac to PC

Hi there

Can anyone sort out the problem of getting a G4 (400/448MB RAM), or a G4
Tiebook (550/512Mb RAM) via ethernet crossover, to talk to a Pentium
2/Windows SP?
I have heard that OEDave¹ seems to be the software we need, is this the
Or is there some other thing we need to do. We have tried using filesharing
on both systems, have allocated different addresses in TCP/IP. We have done
all the correct settings as we would in connecting two Macs, but this does
not work.

Can anyone help in this matter. I am pretty OEgreen¹ at this, so please
excuse if the terminology is not as it should be.

With thanks