on 7/2/02 2:30 PM, Shay Telfer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Assuming the QuickSilver is running OS 9:

Running OSX almost all the time. Reeboot into 9 only to play a couple games.

> If it's running OS X it shouldn't be a problem at all, other than
> some Unix routing jiggery-pokery :)

So I can call you for figuring out the routing tables? ;)

> You shouldn't need to buy a base station (although they do have the
> advantage that they rarely crash :)

Knowledge Base Article 58597 seems to disagree about using software for
bridging. I guess I was hoping it had been superseded. I've had exactly one
crash with the Quicksilver since I bought it and that was because of a badly
written screen saver. Even then I telnetted into it from another box and
killed the offending item and everything was running great again.
Do paediatricians play miniature golf on Wednesdays?