Thank you Reg for putting in very eloquent terms what I¹d been thinking this
past week but was unable to put into words in a clear way. Your words
reflect what I feel about the topic of what¹s appropriate or not.

As a novice and relatively new user of the group and member of WAMUG I was
quite dismayed at the über-response that Paul Sherriff¹s email/question


in On 8/2/02 9:36 PM, "Reg Whitely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Look down, for the response is at the top. The foot is at your head."
> - 21st Century 'Think Differenter"
> _______________________________________________________
> Dear WAMUGers
> In the tedious debate about email ettiquite, let's not overlook some basics.
> When someone needs help,they call for it. In WAMUG, members use the
> list to call for help; to share knowledge and experiences, and to
> express happiness and other emotions of friendship and support.
> Others listen, read, respond or ignore.
> Does it matter if members haven't followed "appropriate protocols"?
> They are all real people who seek answers to real problems. Ignoring
> the protocols, shouldn't we answer the questions? Members seek advice
> and help and we have a responsibility to respond. Surely that is a
> basic premise of membership
> *************
> If your advice is: "Read the appropriate response standards and
> follow the 13 rules before asking that question again", say goodbye
> to that member.
> If your advice is: "Research the archives, because there is a
> "thread" from 3 months past", so be it. Our member might ask again
> and remain as such.
> If your advice is: "I remember 'Sean' said that last week!", then so
> be it, they can contact Sean.
> If your advice is: "That happened to me yesterday: this is what I
> did. Why not go and try it yourself." Fantastic, now you're getting
> personal.
> After all, even though these people are only names and words on a
> mailing list, they are real people, with wives, girlfriends, babies,
> grandchildren, friends, a job, another life, and most probably a Mac,
> which they love just about as much."
> Please WAMUGers, don't lose sight of what we are about.
> Cut the crap and let's get back to core service. Our members are our
> friends and the future.
> Regards
> Reg
> *********************
> PS Sorry about the GMUG / WAMUG error.
> Why not come to Sunny Gero one day and meet all the GMUGgers?
> Reg
> Got a Question? Try searching the WAMUG list archives first at
> <>
> To unsubscribe from the WAMUG e-mail list, send e-mail from this account to
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]