OK this is seriously weird and I would love to get some ideas on any
possible fixes.

My system: iMac 333 running 8.6 Word 97 and OE 5.02. 160 Mb RAM

The problem: When typing text in an email document suddenly a random letter
will just start repeating rapidly like this
>gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg etc etc. The only way to stop it is to
turn the machine off at the power plug. I have tried ctrl apple esc but no
effect. Nor do the power buttons on the machine respond. Each time it is a
different letter. On rebooting the machine sends in the crash recovery
program. It is intermittent and unpredictable. I can go for several days,
no problem, then crash. It is definitely not a key sticking or a physical
keyboard problem - it seems fine.

The same problem has started happening in Word as well. Again, not every
time. Also I am not using any fancy macros or tables, just plain old text.
Usually in new documents (unsaved) and less than one page of text.

I have thought about searching the archives but I don't even know what to
call this thing - "going crazy"!!

Has this problem got a name? Any ideas on how to fix it?