This is how I have been generating the maps for my book "The Cape to Cape Track 

1 Collect the data in the GPS; a Magellan 310. Stores a max of 100 coordinates.

2 On return to base review the data in the GPS and manually enter the 
coordinates into VectorWorks as loci. VectorWorks is a relatively easy-to-use 
and powerful CAD/Architecture/Landscape program.

3 Use a suitable drawing tool in VectorWorks to "join the dots".

I have a cable, but cant find the software to download the data to my B/W G3. 
If anyone knows of some I would love to know details.

>Anyone out there using a GPS unit with a Mac?
>I'm going to be doing a project at the end of the year where I need 
>to go out in the field and record series of locations then return to 
>base and download these points and plot them on a map.
>Any pointers appreciated.
>= = =
>= Antony N. Lord = =
>= [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Perth, Western Australia =
>= = =
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Ray Forma